Yoga for Kapha Dosha – Yoga Poses for Kapha Dosha


Ayurveda helps not only physically but also mentally in incorporating one’s ayurvedic daily routine to balance the body energy and constitution. The yoga asanas and poses not only help to balance doshas in the body but also approach to each is different. Know about the various advantages of Yoga. The kapha pacifying doshas help overcome the states of listlessness, dullness and lethargy. If kapha is your predominant dosha, one can be prone to health problems like allergic reaction, diabetes, bronchitis, sinus, anxiety and even obesity. Hence, it is very important to include a variety of routines in daily exercise for kapha yoga. People with kapha dosha can be very sensitive to cold and damp climates. So it is very important for them to stay warm and dry. Add hot teas and milk to your ayurvedic diet.

Yoga for kapha body type should include innovation and newness so as to get over the boring every day exercise regime. The kapha balancing yoga should be warm, light and energizing in a bid to get the energy back and flowing again.

Meditation is one of the best techniques for people with kapha dosha. Stay in contact with nature and spiritual mindfulness helps keep you warm and comfortable. One may also use walking meditation to align your breath with your step. In a sitting position, one should make an upright position with an erect spine while meditating to avoid slouching and nodding off.

Yoga for kapha body type need not be very rigorous or painstaking.

Kapha Yoga:

The kapha body type may be sturdier and can also benefit from flexibility. One should be more comfortable and at east with the asanas while performing kapha balancing yoga. The best types of yoga poses for kapha dosha include Ashtanga yoga where the kapha body does not sweat easily and keeps the body toxins also away. This yoga is a great way for detoxification, to purify the body and give a healthy sheen by stimulating the adrenal systems. Also Natrajasana or Lord of the Dance Pose or Utarasana or the camel pose and kapalbhati pranayama, kundalini or breath of fire, are also beneficial for rousing blood circulation and respiratory systems. Since kapahs tend to build up a lot of mucous, these positions and yoga asanas help in finishing off that.

Kapalbhati Pranayama

is one of the most beneficial kapha balancing yogas that help in cleansing the lungs, improving the circulation, eliminating mental distractions, removes lethargy from the brain, bolsters memory and intelligence and toughens up the digestive system. It also helps to bolster cleansing of blood and improving immunity.

In order to do the kapha pacifying yoga, one needs to practice regularly these asanas in a meticulous and careful manner.

Surya Namaskar or Sun salutations:

Surya Namaskar is done to increase warmth and mobility in the body and help in boosting blood circulation in the morning hours.

Twisting Chair Pose

helps to exercise the legs bringing heat and helping clear out lungs and the chest area from excess of kapha. It also helps in keeping the posture straight and is a great form of kapha yoga that can be performed every day.

Half-Moon pose

can help in keeping the digestion in order as it involves constantly moving sideways helping the organs to awaken the digestive juices and making the organs strong. Sideways motion also helps in keeping the lungs clear off excessive build-up of kapha and mucous.

Warrior Pose

is great to bring in more heat, warmth and energy to the body, and is one of the most beneficial kapha pacifying yoga. By stretching arms sideways every morning for an hour or so can help bring a wide space into the front body helping remove kapha dosha.

Triangle Pose

also helps to treat digestive problems and also clear out lungs and chest of excessive kapha dosha. Regular formation of this pose helps to strengthen the legs, back and spine areas.


is one of the most popular yogas for kapha body type which helps in turning around the blood flow (that builds up in the knees and ankles) in the body. Headstand also helps to move the kapha around the body so as to make it unable to settle at one place.


are not just a great form of exercise but also help to build a strong and sturdy back that weakens the kapha dosha. It also helps in opening the chest and lungs. Planks are an important asanas in kapha balancing yoga.

Bow Pose

is also meant to strengthen the weak digestive system by bringing agni or fire to the digestive juices to work fine. This yoga for kapha dosha helps in keeping the spine also strong and stomach in order.

Tree Pose

is made by standing in one leg for a while, to balance the kapha dosha.

According to ancient yoga practitioners, it is very important for an individual to create more space, motivation, enthusiasm and warmth while performing yoga for kapha dosha. Also, one should focus more on practicing at a spirited velocity for the kapha to be pacified. There should be adequate focus on keeping the energy field as wide as possible in a bid to make the asana help effect. It is also important to practice in a warmer area to create more energy and deep, forceful breaths should be taken. Also keep looking upwards in a bid to centralize the energy. During practice of the asanas, make sure to open the shoulders and chest as wide as possible to help remove kapha accumulation. It also helps in feeling a sense of lightness in the poses. Also, always make sure to have short resting periods between the poses as it helps in retaining positive energy in the body. One should be precise in the yoga asanas as it helps in conserving the energy as well. It also helps to keep a good alignment during the poses which ensure that excessive kapha gets pacified adequately. Make sure to do your yoga for kapha dosha between the early morning’s right after the sunrise as it would keep you more energized and motivated throughout the day. Learn more on How To Remove Kapha From Body.