15 Flax Seed Benefits Everyone Must Know




The richest plant based sources of omega 3 fatty acids – flax seeds bring new levels of health and beauty into your life.

Flax seeds are one of man’s earliest cultivated ‘superfoods’, tracing their history to 3000 BC in Babylon. There are tales of King Charlemagne who made it compulsory for his subjects to consume flax seeds daily.

Somewhere between then and now, the seed got pushed to the back shelf. It’s time to bring flax seeds benefits back up front.

The seeds contain just the right amount of fibre, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, and are excellent for your skin, hair and overall health.

15 Benefits of Flax Seeds For Hair, Skin & Overall Health

#1 Prevents cancer

The antioxidants contained in flax seeds work like armour, protecting you from cancers of the breast, prostate and colon.

#2 Improves digestion

The high amounts of fibre aid the digestive process by improving the absorption of nutrients, and also keep the stomach full for longer.

#3 Keeps the heart healthy

Flax seeds can help lower blood pressure, prevent hardening of arteries and also slow down deposition of plaque.

#4 Lowers high cholesterol

Daily consumption of flax seeds can significantly lower cholesterol levels, keeping a check on heart diseases and obesity.

#5 Controls diabetes

Diabetics who consumed flax seeds regularly saw a considerable reduction in insulin resistance and also had stabilised blood sugar levels.

#6 Combats inflammation

Consuming flax seeds regularly can help fight swelling and inflammation in people who suffer from a deficit in omega-3 fatty acids.

#7 Lowers incidence of hot flashes

Just 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseeds can reduce hot flashes by half in peri-menopausal and post-menopausal women.

Some of the flax seeds benefits for skin are:

#8 Encourages healthy bowel movement

If the inside of your body is performing perfectly, the result will show on your skin. A healthy, proper bowel movement prevents skin diseases and encourages newer, healthier skin cells.

#9 Keeps skin healthy

The omega-3 fatty acids in flax seeds minimise skin rashes, irritation and redness, and also help wounds heal faster.

#10 Moisturises ski

Flax seeds help the body secrete more oil, and keep it soft and supple, making it perfect for your winter diet. Massaging the skin with flax seed oil prevents moisture from escaping and also keeps wrinkles at bay.

#11 Protects from the sun

Flax seeds offer protection against skin damage from sun exposure and prevent skin cancer.

#12 Fights acne

Flax seeds control the production of sebum that could lead to acne. For acne-free skin, eat 1-2 tablespoons of ground flax seeds daily.

And here are some flax seeds benefits for hair:

#13 Stops hair breakage

Eating flax seeds makes your hair elastic and strong, and prevents hair breakage.

#14 Prevents dandruff

Use flaxseed oil for hair to keep your scalp nourished and moisturised, and prevent flaking and dandruff. After applying flaxseed oil use Head & Shoulders Lemon Fresh shampoo for further dandruff reduction.

#15 Fights male baldness

Flax seeds fight the enzyme that leads to male baldness.

The only downside is that our bodies cannot digest whole flax seeds. In their powdered form, there are many ways you can add them to your diet.

  1. Mixed with water, as an egg substitute in baked goods
  2. In breakfast oats, cereals, raita and smoothies
  3. Add flax seed powder to bring a new dimension to your curries
  4. Sprinkle liberally in mayonnaise on your sandwich
  5. Edible flax seed oil can be used as a salad dressing

Add flaxseeds to your daily health routine. Buy the seeds whole and grind them at home in a coffee grinder. Store in a cool place and consume quickly for the maximum health benefit.

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