Everything’s Fair With These 3 Fairness Face Packs




Bright, glowing skin is an attractive feature. And yet, many of us don’t know how to get there easily. We make it easy with these 3 tips.

Dull, tired-looking and discoloured skin is a bane in today’s ‘rush here, rush there’ life. There is literally no time to pamper and look after the skin regularly. And off-the-shelf products promise a lot, but you never know how your skin will react to them. You want to know how to get fairer skin, but without any side effects. 

Help is at hand, in your own house. No, we don’t just mean picking up a bottle of Olay, although it has been known to help many women, across countries. Did you know your kitchen is stocked with ingredients that can show you how to get fair skin naturally? 

Learn How To Make Fairness Face Packs at Home 

#1: Besan with lemon juice or curd

Also known as gram flour, besan is found in every home. Besides being a key ingredient in yummy snacks, it has medicinal properties that can fight skin problems. 

When mixed with lemon juice or curds, besan reduces skin blemishes, brightens skin and smoothens the complexion. 

Steps to make besan and lemon fairness face pack:

  1. Make a paste of ½ teaspoon besan, 4 ground almonds, ½ teaspoon milk and ½ teaspoon fresh lemon juice.
  2. Apply this on your face and leave it on for half an hour.
  3. Wash off with lukewarm water and pat dry. 

The combined effect of besan and lemon cleanses and brightens skin, while almonds and milk nourish it. The skin cleansing properties of besan are so popular that several spas use it in their beauty treatments.

#2: Milk and honey

Milk and honey when combined can work miracles. Both these natural products are gentle on the skin, nourishing and hydrating it. Honey goes a step further, using its anti-bacterial properties to fight secondary infections that cause blemishes and discolouration. 

Steps to make milk and honey fairness face pack:

  1. Mix a teaspoonful each of milk and honey
  2. Apply the mixture on your face. Massage it slowly using circular movements.
  3. Let the application stay on for at least 20 minutes to allow your skin to absorb all the benefits.
  4. Wash off with lukewarm water and pat dry.

Do this at least once a week (if not more) to see a change in your complexion.

#3: Papaya and lemon juice

Lemon juice seems to be quite the favourite if you want to know how to get fair complexion. 

When mixed with papaya, the result is staggering. Both, papaya and lemon have bleaching properties and you can be sure to get brighter-looking skin with this face pack. 

If you suffer from dry skin, you can add a little milk to the mix for hydration, as lemon tends to dry out the skin. 

Steps to make papaya and lemon juice fairness face pack:

  1. Mash a slice of a papaya, add 1 teaspoon each of lemon juice and milk
  2. Apply the blend to your face.
  3. Wash it off after 20 minutes to see an immediate brightening. 

Before you use any of these face packs, do remember, that even though they contain natural ingredients, you might still be allergic to them. It is always good to test the pack on a small area of your skin and wait for 24 hours to find out.

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