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Ajwain Water (Carom Water) Benefits, Dosage & Side Effects


Herbal water prepared from ajwain (carom seeds) is known as ajwain water or carom water. The taste of ajwain water is slightly pungent. It has hot potency, so it produces warmness in the body and increases gastric and bile secretion. Due to this effect, it is beneficial in loss of appetite and loss of interest in eating.

Ingredients (Composition)

How to Make Ajwain Water

You can make ajwain water with a similar method described here:
How to Make Herbal Water.

Medicinal Properties

Ajwain water pacifies Vata and Kapha Dosha. It has the following healing properties:

  • Appetizer.
  • Digestive stimulant.
  • Carminative.
  • Antispasmodic.
  • Antiflatulent
  • Cardiac stimulant.
  • Uterine detoxifying.
  • Uterine stimulant.

Note: The medicinal properties of Ajwain water is milder Ajwain Ark. Due to this reason, it can also be used by pregnant women if they have abdominal pain or cramps. It has mild uterine stimulant action than its distillate, so it is much saferthan Ajwain Ark. Still, you should use it in moderation and only when if it is really required and indicated.

Ajwain Water Indications

Ajwain water is helpful in following health conditions.

  1. Loss of appetite.
  2. Abdominal pain.
  3. Indigestion.
  4. Bloating.
  5. Weight loss.
  6. Abdominal heaviness.
  7. Ama dosha.
  8. Anorexia.
  9. Uterus detoxification after delivery.

Ajwain water is most beneficial if you suffer from above conditions associated with Ama dosha, Vata Dosha and Kapha Dosha dominance.

Ajwain Water Benefits & Uses

You can use Ajwain Water for weight loss, cough, gas, common cold and abdominal colic in infants. Let’s discuss its major benefits:

How to use Ajwain Water for Weight Loss

Ajwain water stimulates the digestion of fat in the body. It also induces fat burning. Due to this reason, it can be taken for losing weight.

You should take 60 ml Ajwain water 2 hours after morning and evening meal for maximum results. In addition, you should also follow the ayurvedic diet plan. You can also take ayurvedic medicine for losing weight along with ajwain water.

Many Indian women use ajwain water for weight loss after delivery. However, you should not use ajwain water alone. You should use it in combination with Jeera Water. Because Jeera water increases breast milk supply and nullifies the anti-galactagogue action of Ajwain water.

Ajwain Water for babies

Ajwain water can also alleviate abdominal pain in babies. It is a milder remedy for infantile colic. You can use it in combination with fennel water and dill water for getting quick results. This combination works best if pain occurs due to excess intestinal gas and ingestion.
However, if the baby has excess drooling, then fennel water along with licorice water is more beneficial.

Intestinal Gas & Flatulence

You can use ajwain water for gas and flatulence. It reduces gas formation in the abdomen and releases the already formed gas from the intestine. This action is observed due to its carminative and Antiflatulent properties.

Abdominal Heaviness

The most important benefits of drinking ajwain water include its use in relieving abdominal heaviness and bloating. It generally occurs after taking a meal in most people. In such a case, you should drink ajwain water immediately after a meal and follow the ayurvedic diet plan.

Ajwain Water for Constipation

If you have difficulty in getting a proper bowel movement and suffer from mucus discharge in the stool, then Ajwain water is an ideal remedy for relieving constipation. You should use it once a day at night in a dosage of 120 ml before bedtime. After a few days, your liver functions will improve, mucus will reduce and you will start getting proper bowel movement in the morning.

Ajwain Water Dosage

Infants (Below 12 Months) 5 drops
Children 0.5 ml per Kg Body
Adults 12 to 60 ml
Pregnancy 12 ml + 12 ml Fennel
Lactation 12 ml + 24 ml Jeera
Geriatric Dosage 12 to 30 ml
Maximum Possible Dosage 120 ml in divided doses or once a day

Note: Ajwain water along with fennel (saunf) water reduce abdominal pain and vaginal pain during pregnancy. This is the only indication when you can use ajwain water during pregnancy. Ajwain is known to reduce breast milk secretion, so to reduce its this effect, you should take it in combination with Jeera Water. Jeera water stimulates and increases breast milk supply. Therefore, jeera ajwain water is better in such cases.

How to Take Ajwain Water

Dosage Frequency: You can take Ajwain water 2 times a day. In case of abdominal pain, it can be used up to 4 times a day.

Medication Administration Times: You can take Ajwain water 30 minutes before the meal if you suffer from poor appetite and loss of interest in the meal. In other conditions, you should take it 2 hours after a meal.

Ajwain Water Side Effects

However, Ajwain water has mild potency, but still, it can increase Pitta Dosha. Therefore, it is not good for people with Pitta Dosha aggravation. If it is taken by such person, it can cause following side effects:

  • Heartburn.
  • Hyperacidity
  • Acid reflux.
  • Burning sensation in the abdomen.
  • Aggravate mouth ulcers.
  • Excess heat sensation in the body.


You should not take Ajwain water in the following conditions:

  • Oligospermia: Ajwain is known to reduce sperm count. So, it should not be taken by patients suffering from low sperm count.
  • Acid Peptic Disorders: Ajwain may increase gastric secretions, so it might not be suitable for people with acid peptic disorders, especially who already has excess gastric secretion.

Note: In several cases of acid peptic disorders or Amal pitta, low gastric secretion is also a main cause. Generally, this condition is linked with excess Ama Dosha in the alimentary canal. In such condition, Ajwain water can help instead of causing any side effect.

Mental and physical health benefits of yoga


Yoga is beneficial to mind and body in a myriad of ways. It can also massively improve your posture, which can help you avoid or manage a variety of problems related to the way you stand and sit.

Anyone can do yoga, and you can start at any age. It’s important to find the right style of yoga for you, and also the right teacher.

Benefits of yoga

Some forms of yoga are more vigorous than others, and count as aerobic exercise, while others are more gentle and less likely to make you sweat. Both types of yoga are beneficial for a number of reasons:

Yoga for flexibility

Stretching your body through yoga poses is an excellent way to improve general flexibility. While you shouldn’t expect results straight away, regular practice of yoga will mean you can reach further than your could previously, and bend in ways that previously seemed impossible.

Improved flexibility can help eliminate aches and pains in your back, neck, hips or thighs and should improve your posture.

Yoga for strength

Yoga builds and tones muscles. While this is good for helping you lift your bike up the stairs, or carry your shopping, improved muscle strength also helps your body protect itself from conditions such as arthritis.

Yoga for balance

Learning to balance your body and stand correctly is one of the main benefits of yoga. Improved posture will lessen any pains related to your posture (such as back, knee and neck pain) and should mean you are less likely to feel pain in the future.

Improving your balance could also decrease falls and make you feel more coordinated in general life.

Yoga for mental health

Like any form of exercise, yoga has been linked to decreased stress, depression anxiety. One study also showed that it was beneficial in people with schizophrenia.

Those who do yoga also often report increased feelings of wellbeing, happiness and overall contentment.

Yoga for an improved immune system

As yoga can help to reduce stress, this can help to decrease common illness such as coughs and colds, as we often fall ill when we are stressed. Yoga also boosts the immune system in general by improving the flow of oxygen to certain organs and conditioning the lungs and respiratory tract to their optimal function through breathing exercises.

Yoga to fight disease

Yoga can be beneficial in preventing diseases such as heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure, and can also help those already suffering from such diseases. One study found that even lying in corpse position was associated with a drop in blood pressure in those with hypertension when compared to simply lying on the sofa. 

Yoga for better sleep

As with any form of exercise, yoga helps you sleep better. It can also help you relax before bedtime, and the breathing and meditation exercises you will learn in yoga can help you fall asleep quicker, and stay asleep for longer. If you sleep better, you’ll also be healthier in general and less likely to feel stressed and/or anxious.

Yoga for improved focus and memory

Evidence suggests that regular practice of yoga improves memory, reaction times and even IQ. This may be linked to the meditation and breathing involved in yoga, which help people to focus the mind and become less distracted by their thoughts and the outside world.

Health Benefits to Being an Early Riser


“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise” – Benjamin Franklin

“One key to success is to have lunch at the time of day most people have breakfast.” – Robert Brault

There are many famous quotes by famous and influential people about rising early in the morning.  But is there any strength to these quotes? This article talks about 8 benefits of being an early riser.

Early mornings for some can be a drag, and let’s be honest here, there will always be morning’s especially when it’s dark outside that all you will want to do is pull the covers over your head for an extra 5 minutes.

With so many benefits to waking up early, from enhancing your productivity in school or work, to being better able to stick to a diet plan to having more energy levels and better mood, it’s easy to see why many famous people swear by it attributing to their success, Richard Branson for example says he wakes at 5 am each morning.

Knowing this it is hard not to adopt this way of life to your daily routine. So let’s talk about some of these benefits and how to become an early riser.

1. Positive Outlook

According to studies early risers often tend to go to bed early as well, which means they are more likely to get the 7-9 hours recommended sleep for adults.

Sleeping the full amount regularly is said to help lead towards a healthier body and mind,  which in turn has its own benefits, so it is easy to see why early risers may be less stressed and have more positivity in their lives.

2. More Energy

More rest equals more energy, plain and simple . If you get into the routine of rising early and retiring to bed early you are more likely to have a better sleeping pattern which leads to being more energetic throughout the day, helping you accomplish your goals and tasks in a faster and more productive manner.

3. Body System Reboot

Regular sleep is important for your general health.  Not only does a full night sleep help to drop your blood pressure, helps your muscles to relax and repair, your breathing to slow and your body temperature to drop, but studies show that T-cells, which are the white blood cells that help to fight infection, tend to drop when you get a full night’s sleep. This is your immune system rebooting itself while you rest.

4. More Time to Exercise

After a busy day’s work, you can be both mentally and physically exhausted and the last thing you want to do is head to the gym or go out for a run. You make promises to yourself you’ll go tomorrow, only to have the same thing happen.  Early risers have the benefit of being able to fit their workout in, before the madness of the day takes over. This also helps to kickstart the body and mind which will energize you for the day.

5. Become more Organised

Sometimes the saying “Not enough hours in the day” springs to mind.

We fall asleep thinking about all the things we are going to get done the following day, whether that be at work or at home, or both. Then something throws us off, we sleep in, forgot something on the way to work, or get delayed in traffic and our day seems to spiral after that.

Being an early riser means you can get a head start on the day and helps to kickstart your day off to a good start.

By planning and laying out some goals and tasks to accomplish the previous day can help you be more organised and make use of that early start.

6. Healthier Eating

No time for breakfast? Grabbing something quick and easy on the go while you

run out the door? Sound familiar? Rising later doesn’t give you the much needed time to break the fast from the night before and prepare a sustainable breakfast that will set you up for the day.

Recent research has found that late sleepers generally consume approximately 248 more calories than those who rise early. They tend to only eat half as much fruit and vegetables and twice as much fast food as their early riser counterparts.

7. More Productive

Your brain tends to be the most alert in the morning, so why not use that time wisely to focus on important tasks un-interrupted while the rest of your house and world sleep.

You tend to make better decisions and think more clearly in the morning, then at any other time of day.

Starting the day early also improves your concentration which means you can accomplish those goals and tasks that you set out the night before. It also means that by the time you get to work, you are fully awake and properly acclimatized to the day meaning you will be more alert during those peak hours.

8. Helps your Skin Look Healthy

Our skin tends to look its best in the morning after a full night’s restful sleep. And being an early riser means you can take advantage and take your time to make sure your skin looks its best.

People who wake up early also tend to have regular sleeping habits which help to ensure that your skin gets the proper time to rejuvenate itself.

Getting into the Routine

Ok, so we’ve outlined some tips on how to be an early riser, but how do we start getting into the routine, while also getting enough sleep. Here are a few tips to get you started.

  • Start slowly.
  • Try waking just 15-30 minutes earlier than usual at the start. Get used to this for a few days, then cut back another 15 minutes. Keep doing this gradually until you get to your goal time.
  • Allow yourself to go to sleep earlier. You might be used to staying up late, but if you continue to do this while trying to get up earlier, sooner or later one is going to give. And if it is the early rising that gives, then you will crash and sleep late and have to start all over again. Try going to bed earlier, even if you don’t think you’ll sleep and read while in bed or mediate for a few minutes to help relax your mind. If you’re really tired, you just might fall asleep much sooner than you think.
  • Don’t have your alarm clock next to your bed
  • This is an important one, if it is within arms reach, the temptation is there to just reach out and hit the snooze button or worse still you could end up just turning it off.
  • By having your alarm clock far from your bed, you will have to get up out of bed to shut it off. Then, you’re up. Now you just have to stay up.
  • Open the blinds or curtains and get out of the room as soon as you turn off the alarm
  • By doing this you are less likely to talk yourself into getting back into bed, even if it is just for a few minutes.
  • Do not rationalize. If you allow your brain to talk you out of getting up early, you’ll never do it. Don’t make getting back in bed an option.
  • Have a good reason for setting that alarm:
  • Set something to do early in the morning that’s important. This will help motivate you to get up and do it. Once it is done, you’ll be awake and ready to take on the day.

Take advantage of all that extra time

Have a nice hot cup of coffee or tea. Read a book, Watch the sunrise or meditate. Don’t wake up early, to wander around and not make the most of your time. Find something that’s pleasurable for you, and allow yourself to do it as part of your morning routine.

Getting up early has many benefits for both your body and your mind. The hardest part is convincing yourself to do it, and then getting into a routine of getting up early every morning. If you start implementing these tips you will soon see that it gets easier and eventually you will find that your body starts to get used to it, and you end up waking even before your alarm goes off.

About Ciaran Robinson

Ciaran Robinson is a passionate personal trainer based in Galway, Ireland. He is the owner and founder of CR Fitness.

With over 12+ years professional experience personal training, Ciaran works very closely with clients of all fitness levels to help them achieve long lasting results.  He is also a dedicated men’s physique athlete and has competed and ranked within the top five at the RIBBF National Championship.







If you’re interested in reading more about sleep quality, then also check out a previous blog.

Simple Life Hacks for Great Sleep

Restore Your Health with Nature Cure


When human beings evolved,there was no medicine. However, diseases were also present at that time. Maybe they were less as compared to today,but the man suffered from injuries and infections. Similar to other animals, Human had also been curing himself without any medicine. That was the Nature Cure.

As modern science started evolving, man became more business minded and has started several businesses including modern medicine business. This science is not more than business. It changes its opinion after every decade after making many individuals sick with its old recommendations. You must suffer so the doctor can get more profit. If you don’t suffer how will they earn? You know more people are dying with modern cancer treatment than cancer itself.

Recently, manufacturers start promoting rice bran oil as the most healthy oil for the heart. Believe me if you start eating this chemical processed oil, you may get some extent of anti-cholesterol benefits, but you will also suffer more from joint pain, back pain, hormonal
imbalance, osteoarthritis, low bone density, osteoporosis, memory loss, Alzheimer’s disease, poor concentration, low growth in children and several other diseases. Can you extract oil from rice bran in traditional oil extraction machines? No, there is no way to extract oil from rice bran without adding hexane solvent and other chemicals. Your science will take time (almost the next 50 years) to conclude this – what I am saying today. Because this requires a very long-term study.

Previously, your science was recommending – don’t eat Cow’s Ghee because it is unhealthy for your heart and obesity. It has made many people sick in the past few decades and businesses got success for selling refined oils. Now, your science is saying, we were wrong. Cow’s ghee and coconut oil are the healthiest oils in the world.

So, without these things, we should talk about the main goal of this article. Let’s discuss the basic concept of Nature Cure to restore your health naturally without any medicine.

How to Restore Your Health Naturally without Medicine

Prerequisite: Check Your Body Type


Start with fasting. Fast for 1 to 5 days as per your body tolerance. Fasting according to your body type is good to provide maximum results. The recommended duration of fasting according to ayurvedic body type is as below:

Fasting Duration

This is a general illustration. You should listen to your body, so keep in your mind a basic principle of fasting.

Principle: How long
should I fast?

When you start feeling intense appetite, it is the time to break the fast.


During fasting, you should drink warm water if you are having Vata Body Type and Kapha Body Type. If you are Pitta Body Type, you should drink normal water or water kept in an earthen pot. People with Kapha Body Type can also drink water kept in a copper vessel for 8 hours.

During fasting, you are only allowed to drink water. However, if you are weak and cannot tolerate even one full day fast, you can drink Mosmi (Sweet Line) or pineapple juice. You can also drink lemon-honey water.

Juice Therapy

After fasting, you should drink fruit juice for 3 to 5 days. Juice should be selected according to your health conditions. In most cases, Mosmi (Sweet Line) juice and pineapple juice are most suitable.

Raw Food Therapy

After juice therapy, you should eat raw food. When I am saying raw food, I mean uncooked food. Please note it does not mean unripe fruits. You should live on fruits, vegetables, and salad only. You should select fruits and vegetables suitable for your body type and health condition. I will provide a food list for each disease soon. Consider subscribing our website.


Eat all uncooked foods in their natural, unaltered, unprocessed and unheated form.

Nature Cure

Duration of Raw Food Therapy: 10 to 15 Days.

Enema Therapy

From the first day of starting Natural Treatment, you should take warm water enema. You should take 300 ml of
warm water for an enema. The best time to take the enema is morning. During nature cure therapy, you must take enema every day until it is not contraindicated in your health condition.

to Take Water Enema at Home

Restore Healthy Diet

Nature Cure recommends a vegetarian diet, but the inclusion of more fruits, vegetable, salad and
sprouts in your diet. You can take unrefined grains but avoid refined grain.
You can take food into three main categories:

Uncooked Fruits, Vegetables &
75% of your daily food intake.
Grains, Legumes, Pulses and
15% of your daily food intake.
Milk Products 10% of your daily food intake.

We don’t recommend animal
food – meat and eggs. However, you can also include if you cannot live without
them. Just remember you must not eat meat or eggs from animals
raised in farms or cages. You must not eat processed meat. You
should only eat animal products from animals natural raised in nature.


Take 30 minutes sunbath every day during morning or evening. You should not wear any cloth during sunbath. Alternatively, you can wear white undergarments during sunbath.

This is the first article on Nature Cure Treatment Protocol. I will publish more articles for the management of diseases without medicine every week. Consider subscribing this website.

Burn Fat and Build Strength In Less Than 30 Minutes With This 6-Week Cardio Plan


If you want to improve your cardio without clocking endless 5K runs, then you’ve come to the right place. This three-part cardio workout plan uses three different environments — home, outdoors and the gym — to progress your fitness in six short weeks, progressing from bodyweight movements to tried-and-tasted fat-burners forged in the irons of functional fitness.

The first section, to be repped out at home, will power up your metabolism and start whittling away at your fat stores with a quickfire fitness plan you can run through in your living room with just your bodyweight– no kit required.

Next up, head outdoors to give your well-trodden stamina sessions a breath of fresh air. These outdoor moves will build strength as well as speed, for a more defined, athletic physique.

Lastly, our final, high-intensity exercises will push you to your limit, elevating your power and endurance. The clock starts now.

Photography: Philip Haynes | Model: Christopher Whitlow at Andi Peters’ Models | Grooming: Megan Koriat | Styling: Abena Ofei

Weeks 1 and 2: The Burn Begins at Home

Your Personal Trainer: James Stirling

Stirling rules Instagram when it comes to workouts that you can do from home. Follow him to get your fitness off to a flying start

You don’t need much space or kit if you’re serious about getting fit and lean. The first two-week phase of this plan will quickly build up your strength and endurance in very familiar surroundings – your living room, say, or your garage. You won’t need any equipment at all. Simply clear yourself a bit of space and ensure you have enough headroom for burpees.

A yoga mat might come in handy, too, unless you want to sweat all over your floor.These workouts will increase your cardiovascular fitness with dynamic movements that ramp up your heartrate and tax your lungs for a hefty calorie burn.

The unilateral – one-sided – exercises will improve your running strength, while the focus on your core will fix your posture and bulletproof you against injury. Oh, and carve out a six-pack, too.

Perform these three workouts in order, with at least a day off between each one. You want to be able to go all out on every rep of every set, so make sure you’re resting and recovering to come in at 100%.

The hardest part is getting started. So just start. The rest will take care of itself.

Home Workout #1: Prime Your Muscles

Time: 20 Minutes | Level: Easy | Benefits: Fat-Loss, Muscle-Gain

If you want to thrive in the tougher cardio sessions to come, lay thefoundations of strength – and burn some fat to boot. This workout splits six moves into upper- and lower-body tri-sets. Complete three times each. Now get to it.

Tri-sets: Three moves performed back to back. You’ll save time, turbocharge your fitness and spike your metabolism

1A: Squat Jumps, 15 Reps, No Rest

Adding a jump flips your squats from strength-builders into a fat-burning cardio exercise. Squat with your back straight until your thighs are parallel with the floor and your glutes are level with your knees (A), then spring up (B). Cushion your landing and go straight into the next rep.

1B: Squat Jacks, 20 Reps, No Rest

The jack variation is simple, but executed at a furious pace. You’ll cut through fat and learn to stay light on your feet. Sit into the bottom of a wide squat (A). As fast as you can, bring your feet together (B), then immediately back out again. Expect to really feel it when you’ve completed the 20 reps.

1C: Crab Walks, 30 Sec, 30 Sec Rest

This is no stroll on the beach. Crab walks push your muscles to the limit as you fight to keep your balance. With your hands behind your back and your legs bent in front of you, lift your hips (A) and shuffle forward (B). After half a minute, take a 30-second rest, before round two of squat jumps

2A: Explosive Press-Up, 10 Reps, No Rest

This dynamic upgrade on the bodyweight staple will leave your heart pumping. From a press-up position, lower your chest until it almost touches the floor (A). Then, as you push up, lift both of your hands off the ground (B), before going straight into rep two. If you can clap your hands in mid-air, even better.

2B: Shadow Box, 30 Sec, No Rest

You don’t need to step into the ring to train for the fitness levels of a champ. To shadow box, adopt a fighting stance. Stay light on your toes as you dip and sway (A), while throwing jabs and hooks with both arms (B). Work on any punches you feel like – just make sure you’re giving it your all.

2C: Inchworm: 10 Reps, 30 Sec Rest

From a standing position, lower your torso. Keep your legs straight and walk forward on your hands (A), until you’re in a press-up position (B). Reverse the movement and return to the starting position. That’s one rep. Rest for 30 seconds before you begin another round of the explosive press-ups.

Home Workout #2: Carve Out Better Form

Time: 20 Minutes | Level: Medium | Benefits: Fat-Loss, Speed

Your posture is the first thing that gives way during energy-sapping cardio. Strengthen your

core with Tabata intervals. The short rest and full-throttle work will also help you increase your speed. It’s time to tighten up

Tabata: The toughtest four-minute workout you’ll ever do. Follow 20sec of maximum effort with 10sec of rest. Repeat eight times.

1. Alternate Jump Lunge, 20 Sec on, 10 Sec Off, 8 Rounds

Unilateral moves that work one limb at a time require your core to hold your body upright. From a standing position, lunge forward until your rear knee almost touches the ground (A). Jump up, bringing your rear foot forward and the front foot back (B). Land in a lunge and repeat.

2. Squat to Half Burpee: 20 Sec On, 10 Sec Off, 8 Rounds

Prepare yourself for the demands of steady-state cardio by sustaining a high intensity here. With your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees and drop into a squat (A). Place your hands on the floor and shoot your legs back to form a plank (B). Jump back up to a standing position. That’s one rep.

3. Shoulder Tap: 20 Sec On, 10 Sec Off, 8 Rounds

Prepare yourself for the demands of steady-state cardio by sustaining a high intensity here. With your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees and drop into a squat (A). Place your hands on the floor and shoot your legs back to form a plank (B). Jump back up to a standing position. That’s one rep.

Home Workout #3: Enhance Your Stability

Time: 15 Minutes | Level: Easy | Benefits: Fat-Loss, Stamina

Cardio training such as running and climbing requires you to work one side of your body at a time, making balance vital. Our descending ladder will make you wobble – but it’ll teach you to stay in control when the intensity cranks up

Descending ladder: Reducing the reps by one each round until you’re down to one rep. Here, you’ll start at 10 and rest after each round.

1. Star Jumps: 10 Reps Down to 1

In a squatting position, bring your feet and hands together so that your fingers touch the floor (A). Now jump back up explosively, extending your arms and feet out to the side (B). Repeat this movement as quickly as possible to elevate your heart rate right from the start.

2. Diagonal Climber: 10 Reps Down to 1

Position yourself as though you were in the blocks before a race, with one foot beneath your waist and the other behind you. With your back leg straight (A), explosively swap foot positions, bringing your right knee to your left elbow. Repeat on the opposite side as fast as you can (B). This will truly test your balance.

3. Side Skater: 10 Reps Down to 1

Moving laterally gives you greater stability, speed and strength, helping you with any cardio activity. Start with your weight on your left leg, slightly bent (A). Take a big jump and land on your other leg (B). Your left leg should finish bent behind your right leg. Bound off your landing leg to move back into the starting position.

4. Plank Jack: 10 Reps Down to 1

Adopt the standard plank position, holding your body up on your hands and toes (A). Hop your legs to the sides, as in a jumping jack (B), then hop them back to the centre. That’s one rep. When you’ve completed 10 reps, rest before going back to star jumps for nine reps. Don’t rush now, or you’ll burn yourself out.

Weeks 3 and 4: Push Your Limits Outside

Your Personal Trainer: Jonny Jacobs

The adventure athlete Jacobs clocked up 1800 miles of running, cycling and swimming last year. So he knows his stuff.

With your muscular endurance newly enhanced, now is the time to take your training out into the open and really push to burn even more calories.

Head to the park or into your garden – all you need is somewhere to do a few pull-ups and a skipping rope.The workouts in this phase use different session structures to keep your muscles guessing and are a world away from the boredom of simply running three days a week, swapping plodding around the neighbourhood for smarter training that unlocks the potential of our entire body.

As before perform these three workouts in order, with at least a day off between each one. Which, of course, let’s you work around the inevitably inclement weather. Go hard, go home and get fitter and leaner than ever. If you get a tiny bit of vitamin D in the process, all the better.

Outdoor Workout #1: Run Faster, For Longer

Time: 25 Minutes | Level: Medium | Benefits: Willpower, Speed

A quicker, fitter body is built on more than just endless laps. Break up your efforts into

interval sprints to increase your aerobic capacity and sustain a good pace when the miles clock up. Take a deep breath, now

Aerobic Capacity: A measure of your heart’s and lungs’ ability to consume oxygen – important when you want to improve your stamina.

1A: Run 250m, 10 Rounds

Sprint 250m, then perform a burpee (below). Run the same distance again, but this time follow it with two burpees – and so on, for 10 rounds. To maintain motivation, try to match the time it took to run your first 250m in every subsequent round. Remember to pump your arms (A) and lift your knees high (B).

1B: Chest to Floor Burpees: 1 up to 10

Follow each sprint with a set of burpees, as described above. In your final round, run 250m, then perform 10 chest-to-floor burpees. Squat and place your hands on the floor, then kick your feet back and lower your chest as much as you can (A). Press up and jump with your hands behind your head (B). Rest for no more than 30 seconds.

Outdoor Workout #2: Maximum Effort, Minimum Time

Time: 20 Minutes | Level: Hard | Benefits: Muscle, Willpower

Building strength in your arms, back and chest will increase your efficiency to help you conserve energy during cardio. Find a pull-up bar in the park and set your timer for this 20-minute AMRAP. It’s you against the clock

AMRAP: This means ‘as many rounds as possible’. Useful for measuring your improvement over time as you try to beat your score.

1. Pull-Ups, 5 Reps, AMRAP

A strong back will help your posture during cardio. Grab an overhead bar with your palms facing away from you and your arms extended (A). Squeeze your shoulder blades together, exhale and drive your elbows towards your hips to bring your chin above the bar (B). Complete your reps, then move on.

2. Press-Up 5 Reps, AMRAP

First, support your weight on your toes and palms, making sure that your hands are beneath your shoulders. Keep your core locked: make a straight line from your head to your glutes and heels (A). Slowly lower your body until your chest is an inch from the ground (B), then power yourself up. Get ready to run.

3. Sprint: 50m, AMRAP

Remember: this isn’t a jog. If you want to build up your speed and endurance over longer distances, you need to improve your sprint pace. Try pushing off from your toes (A), not your heels, to propel each foot forward (B) and keep your feet flexed up towards your shins. Give it everything you’ve got and the 50m will be over in a flash.

4. Chest-to-Floor Burpee: 5 Reps, AMRAP

Squat until your thighs are parallel with the floor and place your palms down. Kick your feet back, then lower your chest to touch the floor (A). Press your body off the floor, jump your feet towards your hands, and leap up with your hands behind your head (B). Go straight into the next rep.

5. Sprint, 50m, AMRAP

Your sprints aren’t over just yet. By this point, your technique might be dropping, but remember to drive your arms through (A) and ensure your knees go high (B). After this, you’ve completed one round. See how many you can blast through in 20 minutes – and try to beat it next time.

Outdoor Workout #3: Extend Your Staying Power

Time: 20 Minutes | Level: Medium | Benefits: Stamina, Muscle

Bouncing with a rope might look simple, but it’ll reveal your true aerobic ability. This circuit also incorporates strength moves for a complete conditioning session guaranteed to build you a bigger engine. Work for the rest

Work:Rest Ratio: The time it takes to complete a round dictates how long you rest. In this case, your rest is equal to your work times.

1. Skipping: 50 Reps, 5 Rounds

Grab your rope at both ends and get ready to cut excess fat while strengthening your lungs. use your wrists to flick the rope round your body (A), jumping to clear it as it hits the ground (B). Stay light and cushion your landing with your knees slightly bent. On to the squats.

2. Air Squat: 20 Reps, 5 Rounds

There’s no extra weight, but the sheer number of reps will be enough of a challenge. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart (A), bend your knees and squat (B). Go down as far as you can, then reverse the motion until you’re back in the starting position. Keep your head up and your back straight throughout the move. Press-ups next.

3. Pike Press-Up: 10 Reps, 5 Rounds

Give your legs a break and focus on your arms and shoulders. From a regular press-up position, walk your hands in so your body forms an upside-down V-shape (A). Next, bend your elbows until the top of your head nearly touches the floor (B). Hold this position for one second before pushing back up. Now get crawling.

4. Iguana Crawl: 20m, 5 Rounds

Stay on all fours and start crawling for a move that will elevate your heart rate. With your hands slightly in front of your shoulders, bring your knees off the ground and travel five steps forward, reaching with your right arm as you lift your right leg (A). Repeat on your left side (B). Check the timer, take your rest, then go again.

Weeks 5 and 6: Take Your Fitness To a New Level

Your Personal Trainer: Steven Fawcett

CrossFit Games athlete Fawcett understands how tough cardio can be. His three workouts aim to help you achieve aerobic training prowess.

Time to explode. Now you’ve established your base of strength, improved your lung capacity and reinforced your mental toughness, you are ready to tackle our third phase. These are best done in a gym but you don’t need much equipment, so you’ll be in and out quickly and safely.

The three intense cardiovascular challenges in this part of the plan borrow the protocols and intensity of CrossFit for full-body hits that will turbo-charge your metabolism. CrossFitters tend to be in good shape, after all.

You know the score by now: perform the three workouts in order with at least a day off in between each one. If you’re working hard enough, you should need a break before the next session, to be honest. Complete this level, though, and you’ll emerge with better aerobic fitness, extended stamina and the knowledge of your true capabilities.

Gym Workout #1: Stamina You Can Rely On

Time: 21 Minutes | Level: Hard | Benefits: Fat-Loss, Stamina

This heart-pumping EMOM workout will force you to maintain a high intensity. You’ll perform burpees in minute one, row in minute two and skip with speed in minute three, repeating for 21 minutes. The clock doesn’t stop, so neither should you.

EMOM: This means ‘every minute on the minute’. Begin the reps at the start of each minute and complete them all before the end.

Chest-to-Floor Burpee: 10 Reps, 7 Rounds

From a standing position, squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor, placing your palms on the ground. Kick your feet back and lower your chest to the floor (A), then press your body up and jump into the air, touching your hands behind your head (B). Land and immediately go into the next rep.

Row: 10 Calories, 7 Rounds

Go fast and pull with as much force as possible. Keep your core tight and shoulders down as you push off with your legs to initiate the movement (A). When your legs straighten, bend your arms and use your back muscles to finish the pull (B). Return by first extending your arms, then bending your knees.

Skipping: 50 Reps, 7 Rounds

Aim to complete all 50 skips without breaking your form. Concentrate on your technique to avoid losing your rhythm. Focus on a fixed point ahead of you (A) rather than eyeing your feet, and ensure that you have a soft bend in your knees to cushion your landing (B). Back to the burpees, gents.

Gym Workout #2: Reach Top Gear Faster

Time: 15 Minutes | Level: Medium | Benefits: Fat-Loss, Speed

Maxing out in the gym needn’t take hours. Throw yourself into our rapid 21-15-9 workout, deployed across CrossFit boxes worldwide, for swift advances in your speed, endurance and calorie burn. Though the reps may drop, your intensity should not.

21-15-9 Definition: This is the rep structure you’ll follow. Perform 21 reps of each move in the first round, 15 in the second and nine to finish.

Wall Ball: 21,15,9 Reps

This is a great way to build full-body stamina, as your legs and upper body are made to work together. Stand facing a wall, holding a 9kg medicine ball to your chest. Drop into a squat (A) and, as you explode up, throw the ball as high as you can against the wall (B). In one smooth action, catch the ball and drop back into a squat for rep two.

Box Jumps: 21, 15, 9 Reps

Your legs may crave a rest, but push through these box jumps and you’ll boost your plyometric power. Take a step back from an 18in box, dip your knees and begin swinging your arms (A). As your arms fly forward, jump onto the box, planting both feet firmly with soft knees (B), and stand tall. Now jump off the other side of the box. That’s one rep.

Interval Run: 21, 15, 9 Calories

Your first 21kcal run will be neither a slow jog nor a full-throttle sprint, so you’ll work both your aerobic and anaerobic systems. Pump your arms high (A) and stay light on your feet (B). After burning 21kcal, perform 15 wall balls and box jump overs, then return to the treadmill, cranking up the speed for the next 15kcal. Continue the pattern until you finish burning 9kcal.

Gym Workout #3: Make Each Breath Count

Time: 20 Minutes | Level: Hard | Benefits: Willpower, Stamina

For the ultimate endurance test, turn your gym into a competition course to bump up your VO² max. This will be a true measure of the athleticism you’ve built so far. Make sure you give it everything to clock a time you can be proud of.

vO² max: An indicator of aerobic fitness, this is your maximum rate of oxygen uptake. The higher it is, the further you’ll go.

Treadmill Run: 1 Mile

You’ve probably taken on a one-miler before, but with two more cardio tests to follow, you must make your pacing a priority. Setting off too quickly will not only make your final stretch to the mile mark slow and painful, but also put a severe dent in your time.

Long-Distance Row: 1km

You’ve probably taken on a one-miler before, but with two more cardio tests to follow, you must make your pacing a priority. Setting off too quickly will not only make your final stretch to the mile mark slow and painful, but also put a severe dent in your time. Maintain your posture (A) and drive your knees to finish fast (B).

Chest-to-Floor Burpee: 20 Sec Work, 30 Sec Rest

All that stand between you and your triathlon finish line are 50 chest-to-floor burpees. If you find the number daunting, split them into more manageable chunks of 10 reps and 10-15sec rests. Form a wide base with your feet on the floor (A) to help you explode up into a jump (B). You’ll be at the finish line before you know it.

Sign up to the Men’s Health newsletter and kickstart your home body plan. Make positive steps to become healthier and mentally strong with all the best fitness, muscle-building and nutrition advice delivered to your inbox.


For effective home workouts, uplifting stories, easy recipes and advice you can trust, subscribe to Men’s Health UK today


Ed Cooper is the Deputy Digital Editor at Men’s Health UK, writing and editing about anything you want to know about — from tech to fitness, mental health to style, food and so much more.

David Morton is Deputy Editor at Men’s Health, where he has written, worked, edited and sweated for 12 years.

This 3-Move Dumbbell Finisher Is Perfect For Building Muscle and Burning Fat — Fast


Sticking to a programme is tricky at the moment. Some of us are back in the gym, some of us are still working (out) from home. Many of us are doing a bit of both: switching back-and-forth from the giddy excitement of a proper fitness facility, and the increasing ennui of another bodyweight circuit and 83,000 burpees in your living room or outdoor space.

Whether you’ve smashed it this week and want to put the cherry on the cake, or need to squeeze something in before the weekend waylays your training, our series of Friday Finishers will more than meet your needs.

Concocted in the surprisingly devious mind of Faisal Abdalla, for each of the five Fridays in October, he will be delivering a new shot of pure fitness adrenaline into your muscles, lungs, heart and mind. All you have to do, is hang on and enjoy the trip.


weights, kettlebell, exercise equipment, arm, abdomen, chest, physical fitness, press up, sports equipment,

1) Dumbbell Devil Press x 6

Drop down into a press-up position holding your dumbbells, and perform a burpee (A). As you begin to stand back up, use the momentum to swing the weights between your legs (B), then directly overhead (C). Lower under control and repeat.

weights, exercise equipment, overhead press, shoulder, dumbbell, physical fitness, arm, barbell, muscle, bodybuilding,

2) Dumbbell Thruster x 9

Raise your pair of dumbbells up to your shoulders and squat down, keeping your back straight and your chest up, until your thighs are beyond parallel to the ground (A). Stand back up explosively and, in one motion, press both of the dumbbells overhead to full lockout (B). Now, reverse the movement and repeat. Quickly.

3) Burpees over Dumbbell x 12

Lay your dumbbells on the ground beside you and drop into a press-up position (A). Lower your chest to the ground, hop your legs back in and jump laterally over the dumbbells (B). Repeat on the other side, alternating until all reps are complete

Sign up to the Men’s Health newsletter and kickstart your home body plan. Make positive steps to become healthier and mentally strong with all the best fitness, muscle-building and nutrition advice delivered to your inbox.


For effective home workouts, uplifting stories, easy recipes and advice you can trust, subscribe to Men’s Health UK today


David Morton is Deputy Editor at Men’s Health, where he has written, worked, edited and sweated for 12 years.

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Yes, Fruits Have Protein. Here Are 7 of Them


When you think of protein, fruit doesn’t usually come to mind.

“The best sources of protein include chicken, fish, seafood, turkey, tofu, Greek yogurt, beans, lentils, cottage cheese, and eggs,” says Melissa Majumdar, M.S., R.D., senior bariatric dietician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “Other foods that are good sources of protein include nuts and seeds, nut butter, cheese and milk, and green peas and edamame.”

Not a single fruit makes that list, and that’s largely because fruit doesn’t meet the requirements.

“To be considered a good source of protein, one serving should have over 6 grams of protein,” says Majumdar. “Whole grains, fruits, and vegetables will offer a few grams of protein each, but they are often not complete sources of protein and provide us with more macronutrients (fat, carbohdyrates) than protein.” Unless you’re eating pounds of it, fruit comes in well below that amount per serving and won’t help you build muscle on a plant-based diet.

Fruit does provide some protein, but it won’t make a huge dent. Mostly, what you’re getting is carbs, says Majumdar: “On average, fruit provides about 15 grams of total carbohydrates from natural sources of sugar like fructose and glucose and fibre in a 1/2 cup serving.”

But just because fruit contains carbohydrates and (gasp!) sugar, doesn’t mean that you should avoid fruit. It’s just that you shouldn’t house fruit as a way of trying to consume more protein. In short, eating fruit alone won’t help you build muscle.

That said, the carbohydrates in fruit are valuable for aiding protein synthesis. “Foods that provide carbohydrates, like many fruits, give us energy and fibre that allows our body to spare the protein for muscle growth, repair, and formation,” says Majumdar.

And fibre is especially important for a healthy diet overall. The nutrient can contribute to greater fullness within a meal (nutrition experts call this “satisfaction”) and for feeling fuller longer after a meal (what’s called “satiety”). Plus, science has shown that people who eat high-fibre diets tend to have less risk of heart disease.

The 8 foods that follow are some of the fruits with the highest concentrations of protein. But, again, the amounts are paltry compared to the say, six grams of protein in a single egg.

But, yes, fill up on fruit—and these fruits, specifically, if you could use a little change-up to your traditional apples and bananas. Just don’t do it only for the protein.



Protein: 1.42 grams per 1/2 cup serving

This trendy fruit has made headlines as a popular meat substitute. “Jackfruit is high in vitamin B6, a nutrient required for the metabolism of protein,” says Majumdar.

Take note, though: While jackfruit is used in place of meat because of its texture, it is not a protein replacement in itself. Rely on jackfruit for its flavour and texture, but not as a source of protein,” says Majumdar.



Protein: 0.95 grams per 1/4 cup serving

Dried plums have a little protein per serving. But, as you likely know, they’re better known for their fibre content. So you should definitely be careful with them when it comes to serving size and your digestive system. Unless you’re constipated, overdoing it on the prunes could potentially send you running to the bathroom all day.


Dried cherries

Protein: 1 gram per 1/4 cup serving

A 2018 review of the nutritional value of cherries found that they helped reduce inflammation and arthritis, as well as improving quality of sleep. Plus, tart cherry juice has also been found to be an excellent relief aid for sore muscles.



Protein: 2.11 grams per 1/2 cup servingFor fresh fruit, guava has the upper hand on protein content. It also has been found to be an excellent source of fibre and has loads of antioxidants. “Use guava to sweeten a smoothie alongside another source of protein, like protein powder, Greek yogurt, or cottage cheese,” says Majumdar.


Golden raisins

Protein: 1.35 grams per 1/2 cup (packed)

“Raisins are a good vegetarian source of iron and provide fibre and potassium,” says Majumdar. They’ve also been found to help stave off junk food cravings. Use raisins to sweeten cereal instead of buying cereal high in sugar, or to top off peanut butter on celery or toast.



Protein: 3 grams per 1 cup (cubes)

Yes, an avocado is a fruit. Another surprising fact: The same amount of avocado (1 cup of cubes) has a whopping 10 grams of fibre. Is there anything avocado can’t do?



Protein: 2.05 grams per 1 cup (sliced)

These bright-green seeded fruits lend a little protein to fruit salads, but are also great halved and with the pulp scooped out with a spoon. Easy.

Emily Shiffer
Emily Shiffer is a former digital web producer for Men’s Health and Prevention, and is currently a freelancer writer specializing in health, weight loss, and fitness.

Paul Kita
Paul is the Food & Nutrition Editor of Men’s Health.

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Metabolic Renewal Review: Pros, Cons, and Effectiveness


Metabolic Renewal is a weight loss program designed specifically for women.

The program aims to boost your metabolism by modifying your diet and exercise routine based on your specific hormone type. Yet, the science behind these claims is suspect.

Despite several downsides, it has become popular among those looking to enhance their energy levels, curb cravings, and promote overall health.

This article examines the pros and cons of Metabolic Renewal to determine whether you should give it a try.

diet review scorecard

  • Overall score: 2.83
  • Weight loss: 3.5
  • Healthy eating: 3
  • Sustainability: 2.5
  • Whole body health: 2.5
  • Nutrition quality: 3.5
  • Evidence-based: 2

BOTTOM LINE: While Metabolic Renewal may promote short-term weight loss, many aspects of the plan aren’t backed by evidence. Additionally, it’s difficult to sustain long term and may lead to weight regain once you resume a normal diet.

Metabolic Renewal was designed by Dr. Jade Teta, an integrative physician who specializes in natural health and fitness. The program is intended to optimize women’s metabolism using Dr. Teta’s “4 M” framework — Mindset, Movement, Meals, and Metabolics.

The idea that seven distinct hormone types exist is central to the program, as well as that determining your specific hormone type may enhance your metabolism.

Metabolic Renewal offers a 12-week meal plan with recipes tailored to your hormone type.

It also includes access to a collection of 15-minute workouts, along with guidebooks on balancing hormone levels and eliminating belly fat.


Metabolic Renewal is a weight loss program that claims to optimize women’s metabolism based on hormone type.

The first step of Metabolic Renewal is to determine your hormone type using their online quiz, which collects information about your age, menstrual cycle, medical history, and health goals.

A guide called “The Hormone-Balancing Roadmap” provides detailed information on how to follow the plan depending on your hormone type.

Meal plans are based on what Dr. Teta calls the 3-2-1 Diet, which provides three meals per day, two of which contain only protein and vegetables and one of which offers a small portion of starch.

The program includes a detailed meal plan with recipes, but you’re permitted to create your own meals based on the 3-2-1 Diet’s principles, adding snacks as needed.

Metabolic Renewal also includes a 12-week workout plan that’s divided into 4 phases. Throughout the program, you’re required to exercise for 15 minutes 3 times per week using the plan’s Intelligent Workouts, which claim to combine resistance and cardio training.

On your days off, you’re encouraged to walk for a set amount of time that’s determined by your hormone type. Doing so is said to help maintain any changes to your metabolism.

Furthermore, Metabolic Renewal offers a private online community for its customers.


Metabolic Renewal provides a custom meal plan and exercise regimen based on your supposed hormone type.

Metabolic Renewal doesn’t eliminate any foods outright but encourages a low carb, high protein diet. Fruits, grains, fats, and oils can all be enjoyed in moderation.

Foods to eat

  • Fruits (in moderation): apples, oranges, kiwi, melons, berries, peaches, and plums
  • Vegetables: broccoli, cauliflower, kale, spinach, tomatoes, and carrots
  • Meat: beef, lamb, and pork
  • Fish: salmon, codfish, mackerel, sardines, and halibut
  • Poultry: chicken, turkey, goose, and duck
  • Grains (in moderation): quinoa, couscous, rice, oats, and buckwheat
  • Fats and oils (in moderation): olive oil, butter, ghee, coconut oil, and avocados
  • Beverages: water, black coffee, and unsweetened tea
  • Herbs and spices: turmeric, cinnamon, black pepper, cumin, and garlic

Foods to limit

While no foods are banned, you should limit processed foods and items high in carbs and sugar.

  • Processed foods: fast food, frozen meals, breakfast cereal, granola bars, and microwave popcorn
  • Sweets: cake, cookies, candy, and baked goods
  • Salty snacks: crackers, pretzels, and potato chips
  • Sugar-sweetened beverages: soda, sweet tea, sports drinks, and energy drinks
  • Added sugars: honey, table sugar, maple syrup, and brown sugar


Metabolic Renewal doesn’t eliminate any foods outright but encourages you to restrict your intake of processed and high carb foods. Instead, you’re meant to emphasize vegetables and high quality proteins.

Although Metabolic Renewal hasn’t been studied specifically, it may offer several health benefits.

May support weight loss

Several aspects of the program may aid short-term weight loss.

For starters, Metabolic Renewal encourages a diet rich in unprocessed whole foods, including meat, fish, poultry, and vegetables.

These foods are not only often lower in calories than processed foods but also rich in important nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Additionally, some research links a lower intake of processed foods to a decreased risk of obesity (1).

Metabolic Renewal is also low in carbs, with most meals consisting of vegetables and a source of protein. Some studies show that low carb diets promote short-term weight loss and fat loss (2, 3).

What’s more, increasing your protein intake may keep you feeling full for longer, which likewise supports weight loss (4).

Flexible and easy to follow

Metabolic Renewal doesn’t require you to count calories, measure your food, or track macronutrients. It also offers several ways to customize your meal plan, making it a good fit for those who prefer more flexibility.

In fact, you can easily swap in other recipes from the meal plan or create your own meals using the basic principles of the diet.

Plus, it offers options for paleo, keto, vegan, and vegetarian diets.


Although no studies have examined Metabolic Renewal, it’s very flexible and may promote weight loss — at least in the short term.

Although Metabolic Renewal may offer some benefits, there’s no evidence to support many aspects of the plan.

Not based on sound science

The idea that there are seven specific female hormone types isn’t backed by science.

In fact, most of the benefits of this program are likely due to its diet and lifestyle changes — not optimizing female metabolism.

Limited workouts

The program’s quick, 15-minute workouts that take place 3 times per week are said to maximize efficiency without stressing your metabolism.

While this idea may appeal to some people, it may be unsuitable for those who are more physically active or prefer certain workouts, such as cardio or weightlifting.


Metabolic Renewal retails for $67, which includes either online access or the printed program and set of DVDs.

This price tag is higher than many other programs, so it’s an important consideration for those on a tight budget.

May lead to weight regain

Keep in mind that Metabolic Renewal is a short-term program designed to be followed for 12 weeks.

Although many short-term diets lead to rapid weight loss, you’re likely to regain weight after you resume a normal diet. That’s partly because brief dietary changes don’t often translate to long-term lifestyle habits (5).


Several core elements of Metabolic Renewal are scientifically suspect, including the concept of specific hormone types. Furthermore, the diet is expensive and may lead to weight regain.

Metabolic Renewal provides a 12-week meal plan, although you can still create your own meals using the basic principles of the diet.

Here is a sample 3-day meal plan for Metabolic Renewal.

Day 1

  • Breakfast: a smoothie with protein powder, banana, flax seeds, and spinach
  • Lunch: a salad with grilled chicken, lettuce, tomatoes, and carrots
  • Dinner: garlic pork chops with couscous and asparagus
  • Snack: hard-boiled eggs

Day 2

  • Breakfast: a smoothie with protein powder, apple, chia seeds, and kale
  • Lunch: cauliflower rice with stir-fried veggies and beef
  • Dinner: baked salmon with broccoli and quinoa
  • Snack: sliced cucumbers with hummus

Day 3

  • Breakfast: a smoothie with protein powder, berries, hemp seeds, and beets
  • Lunch: a chopped salad with turkey, red cabbage, bell peppers, cucumbers, and tomatoes
  • Dinner: grilled mackerel with sweet potato wedges and sautéed kale
  • Snacks: peanut butter with celery


The sample menu above details some of the meals that you can enjoy on Metabolic Renewal, including breakfast smoothies and dishes packed with veggies and protein.

Metabolic Renewal is a program intended to optimize women’s metabolism by making changes to their diet and exercise routine.

Although the diet is very flexible and may lead to short-term weight loss, many aspects are rooted in unfounded health claims. Furthermore, its short-term nature makes weight regain likely once you resume a normal diet.

Ayurvedic Dosha Diet


Ayurveda prescribes diet
according to dosha. This diet is called ayurvedic dosha diet. It is different
for each individual with a specific dosha dominance in his/her body. There are three doshas in ayurveda:

  1. Vata Dosha.
  2. Pitta Dosha.
  3. Kapha Dosha.

Based on their dominance
and combination, ayurvedic dosha diet has 7 types:

  1. Vata Dosha
  2. Pitta Dosha
  3. Kapha Dosha
  4. Vata Pitta
    Dosha Diet.
  5. Vata Kapha
    Dosha Diet.
  6. Pitta Kapha
    Dosha Diet.
  7. Sama Dosha


Before we proceed on
individual dosha diet. We should understand how we take a decision for suggesting best dosha diet for

  • You need to undergo a Prakriti Dosha Test (Ayurvedic Body Type Test). It is an entirely
    free test on our help portal.
  • After taking the quiz,
    you will see a bar chart at the end of the
    test. Take a screenshot for this bar chart. This bar chart suggests you which
    dosha has primary dominance, which dosha has secondary dominance, and which
    dosha has tertiary dominance in your body type.
  • Based on the results,
    you can decide the best diet for you.

For example, if one dosha
bar is higher more than 50% of the other two
dosha bars. You can select single dosha diet – one of Vata Diet, Pitta Diet or
Kapha diet based on your results.

If two dosha bars are
relatively higher than the third dosha or there is less difference between their
own heights, but all dosha bars’ height is less than 50%. Then you can select
the two dosha diet plan – Vata Pitta Diet, Vata Kapha Diet or Pitta Kapha diet
based on your results in dosha quiz.

If all three dosha bars
are equal in height, then you can select Sama Dosha Diet. However, it is a very rare case. We have never seen a person who
has Sama Dosha Type Body.

Vata Dosha Diet

If you have more than 50%
characteristic of Vata Dosha in your body, you
have Vata Body Type. In such cases, you should consider Vata Dosha Diet.

Vata dosha diet includes more
foods with a sweet, salty and sour taste and
strengthening and nourishing in nature. Soft, oily, juicy and musky foods are
best. It further advocates less intake of foods with the pungent, astringent and bitter taste and drying
and hard in nature.

Pitta Dosha Diet

If you have more than 50%
characteristic of Pitta Dosha in your body, you
have Pitta Body Type. In such cases, you should consider Pitta Dosha Diet.

Pitta dosha diet includes
more foods with a sweet, bitter and
astringent taste. Foods with nourishing, strengthening, having cool potency,
juicy and water-rich are best for pitta body type people. You should reduce the
intake of foods with a pungent, sour and salty taste and foods that
have hot potency.

Kapha Dosha Diet

If you have more than 50%
characteristic of Kapha Dosha in your body, you
have Kapha Body Type. In such cases, you should consider Kapha Dosha Diet.

Kapha dosha diet includes
more foods with bitter, pungent and astringent taste, have hot potency and
light to digest. You should reduce intake of sugars, sweets, sour and salty food

Vata Pitta Dosha Diet

If you have mix
characteristics of Vata Dosha and Pitta Dosha in your body, but
relatively fewer characteristics of Kapha Dosha in your body,
then you have Vata Pitta Body Type. In this case, you should consider Vata
Pitta Dosha Diet.

Vata Pitta Dosha Diet
includes both vata and pitta pacifying foods. However, you should avoid foods
with very hot potency.

Vata Kapha Dosha Diet

If you have mix
characteristics of Vata Dosha and Kapha Dosha in your body, but
relatively fewer characteristics of Pitta Dosha in your body,
then you are Vata Kapha Body Type. In this case, you should consider Vata Kapha
Dosha Diet.

Vata Kapha Dosha Diet
includes foods with a balance of all
tastes. It includes both vata and kapha pacifying foods.

Pitta Kapha Dosha Diet

If you have mix
characteristics of Pitta Dosha and Kapha Dosha in your body, but
relatively fewer characteristics of Vata Dosha in your body, then
you have Pitta Kapha Body Type. In this case, you should consider Pitta Kapha
Dosha Diet.

Pitta Kapha Dosha Diet includes
both pitta and kapha pacifying foods.

Sama Dosha Diet

If you have equal
characteristics of Vata Dosha, Pitta Dosha and Kapha Dosha in your body,
then you have Sama Body Type. In this case, you should consider the Sama
Dosha Diet. However, it is a very rare

If you have Sama Body Type, you can eat all types of foods, but include all tastes in your diet.

How many foods
should I include in my daily diet according to dosha?

You should not change your diet 100% according to dosha. Because
your body has all the dosha in it. However,
their proportion may slightly vary in your body, which decides your body type.

Therefore, you should eat a normal
and healthy diet. You should eat everything, which is healthy and safe for you.

You need to do a slight change in diet. Just include 4 to 5 % of daily foods according to your dominant dosha intentionally. So, it remains under control. You can also do it with spices. Select spices according to your dominant dosha.

How to Get a Six-pack: Your Ultimate Abs Workout for Core Strength


Complete three circuits of the six exercises below four times a week (Learney suggests Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday or Saturday) for four weeks. On two of your non-workout days, complete 45 minutes of uphill treadmill walking (not running). Rest on Sunday.

Your total workout each day should last 45 minutes. Fill in any spare time you may have after completing the circuits with some uphill treadmill walking to complete a 45-minute slot. Keep your rest periods tight and focus on technique rather than speed.

how to show my six-pack in four weeks

1. Overhead Squats

Why: “This exercise has a high metabolic output as multiple joints are used. It fires the midsection through stabilising the weight above the head while simultaneously lengthening the midsection.” How to get six pack abs? Compound movements are key.

How: Grab a barbell with palms facing down and hands almost at the ends of the bar. Lift it to your chest then overhead, locking your arms and retracting your shoulders to take the weight. This is your start position.

Keeping your arms straight and taking care to not arch your back, push your hips back and bend your knees to lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Drive your heels into the floor to push yourself explosively back up to the start position. Repeat, then lower the bar under control after you’ve finished all your reps.

Sets: 3-4

Reps: 20-30

Rest: 30 seconds

Crank it up for weeks three and four: Increase sets to 5-6, decrease rest to 0-15 seconds and make the bench an inch lower.

2. Prone knee to Opposite Elbow

Why: “This statically stabilises the midsection much like the plank but adds the element of internal hip rotation to work your obliques and mobilise your hip flexors.”

How: In a push-up position, rotate your right knee underneath your body to try and touch the opposite elbow. Keep your hips down and foot off the floor throughout. Repeat with your other leg. That’s one rep

Sets: 3-4

Reps: 10-15

Rest: 30 seconds

Crank it up for weeks three and four: Increase sets to 5-6, decrease rest to 0-15 seconds and perform an additional push-up every fifth rep.

3. Prone Knee to Outside Same Elbow

Why: See above.

How: In a push-up position, lift your right knee up towards your right elbow – trying to land it on the top of the elbow. Keep your hips down and foot off the floor throughout. Repeat with your other leg. That’s one rep.

Sets: 3-4

Reps: 10-15

Rest: 30 seconds

Crank it up for weeks three and four: Increase sets to 5-6, decrease rest to 0-15 seconds and perform an additional push-up every fifth rep.

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4. Press-ups

Why: “These continue the static work on your midsection while working the pecs, deltoids and triceps, too.”RELATED STORY4 Quick Tricks To Bench More On Chest Day

How: Do as many standard push-ups as you can. If you’re seriously flagging, drop your knees to squeeze out some box push-ups for a set of 15.

Sets: 3-4

Reps: 15

Rest: 30 seconds

Crank it up for weeks three and four: More full push-ups. Less box push-ups.

5. Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls

Why:“These fire the posterior chain and make the hamstrings and glutes work hard.”RELATED STORYBuild a Six-pack at Home in Three Weeks

How: Lie on your back with a Swiss ball positioned underneath the heels of your straight legs. Keep your hips up off the floor, stabilise with your glutes and curl your heels to your bum. Return and repeat.

Sets: 3-4


Rest: 30 seconds

Crank it up for weeks three and four: Increase sets to 5-6, decrease rest to 0-15 seconds and return the ball to its starting position using only one leg.

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6. Split Lunge/Overhead press

Why: “Again, your midsection is fired through stabilising the weight above your head and the use of multiple joints means a high metabolic output.”

How:Hold a dumbbell on each shoulder and set up a lunge position. Move your back knee to the floor in a forward lunge and as you reach the end of the movement press both dumbbells above your head.

Sets: 3-4

Reps: 10-15 seconds

Rest: 30 seconds

Crank it up for weeks three and four: Press the dumb-bells above your head before you begin the exercise. Then perform the lunge, keeping the weights above your head for the whole movement.

get abs: how to show a six-pack

Uphill Treadmill – Walking

Once you’ve completed three circuits of the previous six exercises, get on the treadmill until your total session time hits 45 minutes.

Why:To burn additional fuel once your glycogen levels are depleted. Stopping at the 45-minute mark ensures you preserve the use of muscle tissue as fuel.

How: Set an incline for as hard a setting as you can manage and start walking. Do not run. “This workout has a lot of muscular stress around the lower limbs and the impact of running when these are fatigued is not good.”

Crank it up for weeks three and four: Walk faster on an even steeper incline. Do it even if you only have a few minutes left in your designated 45.This content is imported from YouTube. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.