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10 Ayurvedic Habits and Their Benefits for a Healthier Life


Ayurveda, “the knowledge of life,” is a system of health that originated in the Vedic culture of India more than five thousand years ago. This fantastic longevity and the growing interest in Ayurveda that we now see in the Western world speaks to how much the principles of this system of healing can improve our lives in so many ways, big and small. Ayurveda encourages finding the balance between your body, mind, and spirit because all three of these spheres are connected. How do we maintain balance? It is a way of life, a daily effort in our habits. With the guidance of this ancient wisdom, we can make choices in our diet and lifestyle that will lead to health, longevity–and reaching our fullest potential in life!

In Ayurvedic philosophy, we are born with an intrinsic nature, our Prakriti, that reflects both physical and mental qualities. We each have a body type, our Dosha — a unique blend of Air (Vata), Fire (Dosha) and Earth (Kapha), where one is dominant but all are present. This constitution responds to our diet and lifestyle choices, our relationships, our environment and even the seasons of the year. Imbalances can come from the wrong diet, exercising too much or too little, being exposed to chemicals or germs, not getting enough sleep, having emotional disturbances and many other factors.

Ayurveda is a holistic practice based on preventing illness and treating disease by addressing the imbalances that created them. We can restore this balance with Ayurvedic habits that can become a lifestyle that nurtures us to become our very best. And while everyone is different, there are some practices of this ancient wisdom that we can all benefit from incorporating into our lives.

Eating a light dinner

To improve digestion and the quality of your sleep, Ayurveda recommends that you enjoy your last meal of the day before 8 PM, and also that it’s light enough that the body can process it before bedtime. This philosophy considers your digestive system to be most active earlier in the day when it can handle a more substantial meal. A light dinner will not remain festering in your stomach all night, leaving you still tired and sluggish the next day. Your body can concentrate entirely on giving you restorative sleep rather than on the heavy work of digestion.

Dry Skin Brushing

This invigorating ritual involves using a natural brush (it is essential to avoid synthetic brushes that can scratch your skin) to brush your entire body, using long strokes in the direction of your heart. It is a thorough method of exfoliation that leaves the skin baby soft, while also promoting better health by helping the lymphatic system to remove toxins.

Neti Pot

This tool looks like a teapot, and it can serve a vital function in preserving health by helping your nose get rid of the toxins, pollution, and allergens that it has prevented from entering your body. Use the neti pot to flush saline water up each nostril, helping to flush out excess mucus and these impurities, allowing for deeper breathing and relieving the symptoms of allergies and colds.

Eat Fresh, Seasonal and Local

Ayurveda has many recommendations for the ideal diet, based on your specific Dosha, but the overlying principle is to eat food that’s as fresh, as seasonal, and as local as you can manage it. Maintain your internal balance by eating in tune with the seasons and your environment– and by eating foods of the highest possible quality.

Spices as Medicine

Ayurveda considers spices to be much more than flavor enhancements because these nutrient-dense foods have wide-ranging healing properties. Incorporate turmeric to reduce inflammation and protect your heart, ginger to help your digestion, cinnamon to regulate your blood sugar and allspice as an antibacterial that can help you fight off infection.

Self Massage

Called Abyangha, this relaxing ritual also benefits the look and feel of your skin. Use a high-quality organic oil and luxuriate in massaging your body all over. It helps the body get rid of waste by stimulating the lymphatic system and also reduces stress.

Tongue Scraper

The practice of using a curved tool (often made of copper, gold or brass) to scrape the tongue has remarkable benefits to the cleanliness of your month by removing harmful bacteria, reducing bad breath and even improving the sensitivity of your taste buds.


Yoga developed alongside Ayurveda, and the two have a strong connection, sharing many principles of how to attain optimal health. But even if you don’t want to pursue a yoga practice, what Ayurveda recommends is avoiding a harmful sedentary lifestyle and incorporating movement you enjoy into your daily life. Different doshas may benefit more from different types of exercise, but all bodies are designed to move, and some sort of physical activity is necessary for good quality of life.


One of the guiding principles of this philosophy is that there is a link between the health of the mind and the health of the body–they cannot be separated, and disturbances in your mind can manifest as physical afflictions. A regular meditation practice, even if it’s only 5 minutes every day, helps maintain the balance necessary for health by reducing stress, cultivating mindfulness, and increasing your sense of well-being.

Oil Pulling

This practice for detoxification, as well as naturally brightening your teeth, can be done in the morning while you are getting breakfast ready. Spend 20 minutes swishing a natural oil in your mouth (organic coconut or sesame are good choices) and spit out the newly white substance. That whiteness is bacteria and toxins, and your immune system will thank you for helping it preserve your health.

Ayurveda maintains that balance is necessary for health and that health is essential for a good life in which we can reach our real potential. This ancient system has flourished in modern day because it still has plenty to offer to a world of busy lives that are increasingly out of balance. Ayurveda teaches us to attain optimal health by adopting healthy practices to prevent illness and achieve an optimal sense of well-being.

Understanding the Importance of Mind, Body & Soul


We all want to be healthier versions of ourselves and improve our overall wellbeing. Most of the time, we tend to concentrate only on the body, focusing on our physical health. While this is important, it’s not the only component of wellbeing we should be improving.

To achieve lasting health, we need to understand the importance of the body, mind and soul and how they work together to build our overall wellbeing. A healthy body keeps you well and active. A healthy mind keeps you focused and engaged. A healthy soul keeps you fulfilled and content.

Focusing on these areas won’t only improve your own health and wellbeing. Employees and leaders who work on all three areas commonly display a number of desirable traits in the workplace:

  • Higher productivity
  • Reduced conflict
  • Decreased leave
  • Improved motivation
  • Increased engagement

Whether you’re a leader or employee, understanding the importance of mind, body and soul can give you an edge in your organisation while also improving your own health and wellbeing.

The Science of the Three Brains

The link between mind, body and soul is scientific fact. Research reveals we have three separate neural pathway networks, leading to the head, the gut and the heart. These have been dubbed the three brains, all capable of controlling how we feel and how we react.

It’s vital to nurture each ‘brain’ to ensure optimal wellbeing. We need to look after our mental health to maintain focus and clarity of the mind. It’s important to develop positive relationships and genuine connection to nourish our spiritual and emotional health. Not to mention the need to monitor what we put into our body and how we use it to ensure physical wellbeing.

It’s a delicate balance. If our physical health is sound but our mental or spiritual wellbeing is not, our physical health will eventually be impacted by the affects of reduced motivation, low morale, decreased satisfaction and lack of purpose. Likewise, poor physical health affects our personal satisfaction, contentment and mental state.

This is why it’s vital to understand the importance of mind, body and soul and identify ways to improve and maintain health and wellbeing in each area.


We all know what we should be doing to look after our bodies – eat less and move more. However, it’s much easier said than done. As a start, here are some suggestions for looking after your physical health and nurturing the gut ‘brain’.

  • Moderation is the key. Start by reducing the intake of unhealthy food, softdrink, caffeine and alcohol. Learn to read nutrition labels and find healthier options for snacks.
  • Commit to regular exercise. Find ways to include physical activity in your day such as walking up stairs, instead of taking the lift or joining in with lunch time sport.
  • Be proactive. Keep on top of your health by scheduling regular medical and dental checkups to monitor your health and wellbeing..
  • Concentrate on the basics. Focus on your sleep, nutrition, hydration and exercise. Set realistic goals, celebrate the small wins and keep going!


Stress is everywhere and with life becoming more demanding, it’s vital we pay attention to our mental state. Focusing on nourishing the mind and our mental health can improve our focus, relationships, outlook and more.

  • Don’t ignore the signs of stress and overwhelm. If you are not coping with the pressures of life, talk to someone and seek professional help if required.
  • Take time out. Schedule time each day, just for you. Listen to music, read an article, go for a walk, meditate or enjoy a coffee, away from the stresses of life.
  • Prioritise sleep. Sleep recharges our mind, helps us stay focused and think clearly. Set a time for bed and stick to it to ensure you get the rest your mind needs.
  • Be open to self-improvement. Attend a workshop, try online learning, find a mentor or seek specific advice to improve your skills and increase your confidence.


Spiritual health is more than religion or new age beliefs. It involves identifying our purpose and direction, recognising what brings us joy and understanding how to find contentment in our lives. Here are some suggestions to improve the health and wellbeing of your soul.

  • Be open to meeting new people. Connecting with others opens our minds to new ideas and introduces us to alternate ways of living, re-energising the soul.
  • Change your environment. Take a walk outside, have a meeting at a cafe or ask to work from home. Changing up your routine can help increase satisfaction and motivation.
  • Indulge in your passions. Make time in your life for music, art, hiking, baking, cycling, running – whatever feeds your soul and makes you happy.
  • Be kind to yourself. Give yourself permission to take time out and not be productive every second of the day. Live in the moment and give your soul a chance to breathe.

Go Ahead, Spice Up Your Diet — It’s Good for Your Heart

Two new studies have found that herbs and spices add more than just flavor to food. They also provide potential benefits for your health, such as lowering cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Getty Images
  • Two new studies have found that consuming herbs and spices can help promote better cardiovascular health.
  • One study found that adding herbs and spices to meals may help reduce blood pressure in people at risk of heart disease.
  • The other study linked spice supplements to lower cholesterol levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

Herbs and spices add more than just flavor to food. They also provide potential benefits for your health.

“Studies have shown positive health benefits when including herbs and spices in the diet, including anti-inflammatory [properties],” Kayla Kirschner, RDN, a nutritionist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, told.

“Chronic inflammation is associated with heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and more,” she continued.

At this week’s NUTRITION 2021 Live Online meeting of the American Society for Nutrition (ASN), scientists from Penn State University and Clemson University are scheduled to present findings from two studies that found benefits of herb and spice consumption for cardiovascular health.

One study found that adding herbs and spices to meals may help reduce blood pressure in people at risk of heart disease. The other study linked spice supplements to lower cholesterol levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

“This research will help us to evaluate dosage, usage, and short-term effects,” said Kirschner, who wasn’t involved in the new research. “Hopefully, future studies will provide evidence on long-term effects.”

Kristina Petersen, PhD, APD, is one of the scheduled presenters at this week’s ASN meeting. She’s an assistant research professor in the Cardiometabolic Nutrition Research Lab at Penn State College of Health and Human Development in University Park, Pennsylvania.

Petersen is presenting findings from a new study at Penn State and Texas Tech University, which examined the cardiometabolic effects of adding herbs and spices to the typical American diet.

“Our findings suggest that adding dried herbs and spices found in the spice aisle of the local supermarket to commonly made recipes has a beneficial effect on blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart disease,” Petersen said.

The study included 71 U.S. adults with obesity and other risk factors of heart disease. Over the course of the study, participants ate a typical American diet, with 50 percent of calories coming from carbohydrates, 17 percent from protein, and 33 percent from fat, including 11 percent from saturated fat.

Every 4 weeks, the participants rotated through a different version of the diet:

  • a low spice version, with 0.5 grams per day of mixed herbs and spices
  • a medium spice version, with 3.3 grams per day of mixed herbs and spices
  • a high spice version, with 6.6 grams per day of mixed herbs and spices

The researchers found that participants had lower 24-hour blood pressure levels when they ate a high spice diet. However, they found no differences in blood cholesterol or blood sugar levels.

“This is likely because we added the herbs and spices to a diet similar to what the average person in the United States consumes, which is not as nutritious as diets that are recommended for health and heart disease prevention,” Petersen said.

“It remains important to eat a healthy diet, including lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and legumes,” she added.

Another presentation at this week’s ASN meeting will explore the findings of a recent research review that found a link between spice supplements and lower cholesterol levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

“Our systematic review of the available journal articles on ginger, cinnamon, turmeric, curcumin, and curcuminoids suggested an association with an improved lipid profile,” said Sepideh Alasvand, a PhD student in the department of food, nutrition, and packaging sciences at Clemson University in South Carolina. She conducted the review with her supervisor, Vivian Haley-Zitlin, PhD, RDN.

The review included 28 randomized controlled trials, in which people with type 2 diabetes received ginger, cinnamon, turmeric, curcumin, or curcuminoid supplements. Curcumin and curcuminoid are derived from turmeric.

“Although the available studies are limited and more studies are needed, the preliminary findings suggest that these spices may offer a potential benefit for people with type 2 diabetes and unhealthy high cholesterol levels,” Alasvand said.

The trials ran for a duration of 1 to 3 months and yielded different findings for different spices and supplement dosages. Approximately 30 percent of the trials found no significant effects from supplementation.

“These results signify the importance of dosages used in research studies when evaluating results and suggest a need for dose-response studies,” Alasvand said.

Dose-response studies explore if and how different dosages of a supplement, medication, or other treatment influences the effects.

Although more research is needed to understand the specific health effects of herbs and spices, evidence shows that adding these nutrient-rich seasonings to your meals has potential benefits.

“Herbs and spices are great additions to meals to increase not only nutrition, but the taste of foods as well,” Kirschner said.

“[But] oftentimes prepackaged herb and spice mixes contain added salt, which can unintentionally increase sodium consumption — something we want to monitor to prevent high blood pressure and heart issues,” she said.

Some herb and spice blends also contain processed sugar or other additives.

To learn what herb and spice blends contain, Kirschner encourages people to check the label.

“Another idea is to make your own salt-free seasoning blends using the bulk herbs and spices at the store,” said Megan Byrd, a registered dietitian in Keizer, Oregon.

“By mixing together your own herbs and spices blends, you’ll be avoiding additives, sugars, and added salts without sacrificing any flavor,” she continued.

Many herbs and spices are also available in supplement form as capsules, extracts, tinctures, or teas.

Supplements allow you to take a defined dose of a specific herb or spice in quantities that tend to be larger than what’s added to foods.

Although certain herb and spice supplements may have health benefits, some supplements can interact with certain medications or cause other side effects. Certain supplements may not be safe for everyone to take.

“Before taking supplements, always speak with your doctor or healthcare professional,” Kirschner said.

“Herbs and spices used for culinary purposes are usually smaller doses than what is found in supplements. For this reason, adding additional herbs and spices to your foods is generally OK,” she added.

55 Top Healthy Food You Should Eat


If there’s one thing you shouldn’t neglect even amidst your busy schedule, it’s your health. And eating healthy food, undoubtedly, is one of the best ways to keep your body strong and protected.

Why is healthy food good for you? Well, that’s because these are real foods that are overflowing with beneficial nutrients that are good for your body. And don’t worry! A healthy balanced diet doesn’t mean you’ll be eating flavorless foods.

With that said, here’s a list of nutritious food that you should add to your everyday meals. We’ll also share with you scrumptious dishes to upgrade your healthy eating habits as well. Make sure to include these top healthy food on your grocery list the next time you drop by at the nearby farmers’ market!

Nuts & Seeds

If you’re looking for heart-healthy food, consider nuts and seeds. Why? Because they’re rich in mono and polyunsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids. These can lessen the bad cholesterol in your body and reduce the risks of heart disease as well as diabetes. Learn about the healthiest kinds of nuts and seeds as well as why you should eat them.


Walnuts boast many health benefits. They’re an excellent source of protein and fiber. While you can simply munch on walnut pieces, you can also add them to your morning cereal or mix them with other nuts for a healthy snack.

Go nuts over this easy trail mix recipe! All you have to do is mix in some walnuts, cashews, and the other ingredients in a handy bowl.

Recipe for Inspiration: Trail Mix


Almonds are one of the healthiest and most versatile among all the other seeds. They’re bursting with nutrients like Vitamin E, fiber, and protein. These healthy seeds promote weight loss and lower cholesterol levels.

Aside from being crunchy toppings for salads, almonds are also a perfect addition to smoothies, ice cream, pancakes, and many more delicious recipes. For a much healthier meal, try mixing almonds with veggies for a nutritious side dish.

Recipe for Inspiration: Broccoli Almond


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Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are called pepitas in Spanish, which means little seeds of squash. These seeds are full of nutrients like zinc, iron, and antioxidants. They’re good for the heart and even for the prostate. And with our easy recipe, you can actually turn these little seeds into a delicious afternoon treat! You and your kids will love these crunchy roasted snacks.

Recipe for Inspiration: Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Chia Seeds

Want to improve your body’s cholesterol levels? Then it’s about time to include chia seeds recipes in your diet! Not only are they versatile ingredients in many dishes, but they’re rich in nutrients as well! Chia seeds have polyunsaturated fatty acids that help reduce high cholesterol. Try sipping on a glass of apple, banana, and chia seed smoothie. This refreshing drink is more than good for you!

Recipe for Inspiration: Apple, Banana, And Chia Seed Smoothie

Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds are often seen on top of hamburger buns and crackers. But these seeds are definitely more than just mere food decorations! In fact, little as they may seem, sesame seeds are a great source of fiber. Meaning, they’re perfect for your digestive health. Check out this Asian-inspired sesame chicken breast recipe. Not only is it rich and flavorful, but it’s one of the healthy foods you should definitely add to your everyday menu.

Recipe for Inspiration: Sesame Chicken Breast 

Beans & Legumes

Beans and legumes are one of the major food groups for a reason. Generally, their health benefits include reducing high cholesterol levels and maintaining blood sugar levels. And since they’re rich in plant-based protein, they can be a healthy alternative for meat as well. Here are the most nutritious beans and legumes that are often incorporated in many healthy food recipes:


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Chickpeas make for a perfect alternative for meat if you’re on a vegan diet. They’re gluten-free and rich in fiber and protein, making them perfect for meatless Mondays. With our simple chopped chickpea salad recipe, you’ll be enjoying a colorful and vibrant dish in no time! Enjoy fresh veggies that are chopped and tossed together in a tasty vinaigrette.

Recipe for Inspiration: Chopped Chickpea Salad

Black Beans

Another healthy food on our list are black beans. They’re good for your bone health and can lower blood pressure. Moreover, you can also incorporate them in many sumptuous dishes. Give this flavorsome Mexican-inspired black bean salad a try. Aside from the black beans, this colorful dish also features other nutritious ingredients like bell peppers, corn kernels, and tomatoes.

Recipe for Inspiration: Mexican Black Bean Salad

Green Beans

Green beans, like any other beans, have high protein content. It’s always a great idea to include these crunchy ingredients in your meals from time to time. If you want to give a delicious twist to your green beans, try soaking them up in a tangy and savory marinade, just like what we did in our vinegar-marinated green beans recipe. You’re going to love its crunchy texture and zesty flavor!

Black-Eyed Peas

Despite their name, did you know that black-eyed peas are actually considered beans? Not only do they contain high protein and fiber, but they’re also packed with savory flavors. They’re definitely one of the healthy foods you should eat to lose weight. And with that in mind, We’ve got this pleasing bollos recipe for you to try. Once you have a taste of this, it’s sure to be your favorite healthy side dish! These nutritious buns taste amazing with strong black coffee.

Recipe for Inspiration: Pleasing Bollos


Contrary to popular belief, peanuts belong to the legume family rather than the nuts family. They’re packed full of beneficial nutrients as well. In fact, peanuts can help maintain one’s desired weight. They’re often roasted and used to make some snacks just like in this recipe for honey-roasted peanuts. It only requires four ingredients and is easy to prepare! If you’re ready to switch from your usual chips and candy snacks to this sweet treat, simply follow our easy recipe.

Recipe for Inspiration: Honey-Roasted Peanuts


With its high levels of fiber, minerals, and protein, lentil is among the healthiest foods there is. Lentils are also easy to prepare. Try this Moroccan-inspired salad dish that features the crunchiness of lentils. You’ll also need bell peppers and chickpeas for this recipe. With three easy steps, you’ll be having a filling meal in no time!

Recipe for Inspiration: Moroccan Lentil Salad

Fruits & Vegetables

It should come as no surprise that eating fruits and leafy greens is good for your overall health. They’re an excellent source of fiber, vitamins, and other essential minerals. Their color, flavor, and texture are all pleasing to the eyes as well! And they’re sure to make your taste buds happy too. Here are some of the healthiest vegetables and fruits and their benefits:


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There are several types of radishes, all of which are equally nutritious. They’re also a staple ingredient in many Asian cuisines. Among the most popular is the daikon radish. This healthy food is low-calorie and high in fiber. Moreover, you can even substitute daikon radish for meat in certain dishes, just like in this vegan bacon recipe. So, give your favorite bacon breakfast a healthier spin! We’ll show you how you can easily make a vegan-friendly version with just a few simple steps.

Recipe for Inspiration: Vegan Bacon


Mushrooms are used in many delicious recipes, not only because of their earthy taste but also for their nutritional benefits. Although mushrooms are often classified as vegetables, they’re actually an edible kind of fungi. Unlike vegetables, mushrooms don’t have leaves, seeds, and roots. And they’ll grow even without light!

This healthy food also contains high levels of protein and fiber, making them great for vegetarian dishes. When soaked in a savory marinade, mushrooms will surely take weeknight dinners to the next level. Try our Portobello mushroom tower recipe and see just how these fungi can be delicious. Serve with your favorite cheese or bread to amp up your meal.

Recipe for Inspiration: Portobello Mushroom Tower


Crunchy and juicy, no wonder apples are among the most popular fruits. This fruit is also prized for its many health benefits. Apples are rich in fiber and can help promote weight loss as well.

While this sweet fruit is delicious on its own, you can always get creative with how it’s served and enjoyed. If you want a new way to end your filling meal, serve some apple dessert pizza after your dinner. This delish apple pie filling with a thin and crispy pizza crust is sure to be your next favorite treat.

Recipe for Inspiration: Apple Dessert Pizza


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Since lemons are rich in vitamin C, they’re great for boosting your immune system and even guarding your heart health. More than that, they also contain beneficial plant compounds which can lower cholesterol. Lemons can also help prevent kidney stones and reduce the risk of certain cancers. With that said, whip up some lemony delight with our no-bake lemon cake recipe. It’s incredibly easy to prepare!

Recipe for Inspiration: No-Bake Lemon Cake with Lemon Zest Frosting

Tropical Fruits

Tropical fruits such as mango, banana, and papaya are good for your health. They’re high in Vitamin C and can aid in digestion as well. One way you can enjoy them all in one refreshing serving is to make a wonderful tropical fruit smoothie! And since the fruits are naturally sweet, you no longer have to add too much sugar. Moreover, you can also make use of other tropical fruits like pineapple in case the other ingredients are unavailable.

Recipe for Inspiration: Tropical Fruit Smoothie


Don’t be fooled by berries’ tiny size: they’re bursting with nutrition and can definitely protect your health! Not only do berries bring sweetness to your mouth, but can provide several health benefits as well. Read on and discover why these little fresh treats are good for you.


Blueberries are one of the most nutritious berries. With their rich antioxidant contents, blueberries protect your body from free radicals that can damage your cells. If you want to whip up a dessert featuring these berries, try our recipe for blueberry peach cobbler. This summer dessert is so easy to prepare! Get those fresh blueberries and peaches and make some refreshing dessert in just four easy steps. If you only have frozen fruits on hand, that’ll work as well.

Recipe for Inspiration: Blueberry Peach Cobbler


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Who can resist the juiciness and sweetness of strawberries? Not only that, readers will be amazed to find out that they’re chock full of nutrients and are good at protecting your heart health, too.

Strawberries are incredibly tasty on their own, but they’re amazing as ingredients in other recipes too. Whether you’re on a beach somewhere or just at home, you’ve got to try this recipe for a refreshingly sweet strawberry smoothie. It’s a dairy-free dessert that’s deliciously rich and creamy! In this recipe, all you’ll need are five ingredients to whip up a healthy and refreshing drink in just five minutes.

Recipe for Inspiration: Luscious Strawberry Smoothie


Raspberries are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, making them essential in preventing heart diseases and stroke. And thanks to its manganese content, eating these berries can help support your bone and skin health as well. Moreover, raspberries lend sweet notes to tempting dishes, which can be seen in this white chocolate cookies recipe. They’ll surely take your favorite childhood treat to a whole new level. It’s ready to serve in just 15 minutes!

Recipe for Inspiration: Macadamia Raspberry White Chocolate Cookies


Cranberries are known for their high levels of nutrients and antioxidant contents. But did you know that they’re also good for your oral health? They can prevent gum diseases as well. Aside from consuming cranberry sauces or juices, you can also use them as a delicious filling for a delectable cobbler. Give it a little twist by adding apples to get more tart flavors. It’s crunchy and tastes amazing. Plus, it’s incredibly easy to prepare!

Recipe for Inspiration: Cranberry Crunch


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When you think of grapes, perhaps the first thing that’ll pop into your head is sweet wine. Well, asides from the famed alcoholic drink, grapes can also be a star in many delightful recipes. More importantly, they’re rich in plant compounds, which are vital for eye health.

Grapes can wonderfully add sweet notes to your breakfast muffins. With this recipe, you’ll have a flavorful and hearty breakfast. We make use of sweet red grapes, but should you want a little bit of sourness to balance the flavors, then you can always add some green grapes, too.

Recipe for Inspiration: Grapes Muffin

Grains & Bread

Whole grains, cereals, and bread have long been a constant part of our daily morning routine. But have you ever wondered what a bowl of cereal or a slice of bread can do to your body? In this section, we’ll show you the health benefits of eating grains and bread. We’ll also provide some recipes that you can make at home with these nutritious foods.


Oats are arguably one of the healthiest grains there are. It’s overflowing with protein, fiber, and other beneficial nutrients. A warm bowl of freshly cooked oatmeal can also boost your energy levels! If you want to start off your morning right, check out this easy crockpot oatmeal recipe. It’s truly convenient as you can prepare your breakfast the night before.

Recipe for Inspiration: Deluxe Crockpot Oatmeal


Barley is a cereal grain that has many nutritional benefits. It’s full of fiber and other essential minerals. Barley also helps reduce symptoms of arthritis such as joint pain. Moreover, this healthful grain contains beauty benefits as well. Due to its anti-aging properties, consuming barley can help keep your skin look youthful and radiant! It’s also versatile when it comes to cooking. It’s no wonder then that this grain is such a kitchen staple. With that said, a delicious bowl of barley casserole is truly a must-try.

Recipe for Inspiration: Barley-Herb Casserole


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Wheat Germ

Wheat germ may just be a small part of the wheat kernel but it offers an array of health benefits. It contains plenty of vegetable proteins, fiber, as well as healthy fats. On top of these, wheat germ can be mixed with cereals and granolas. So if you’ve got some wheat germ on hand, make some tasty homemade granola bars. Our fat-free honey granola bar recipe requires only a handful of healthy food items.

Recipe for Inspiration: Fat-Free Honey Granola Bars

Low-Calorie Bread

Breads, specifically the packaged ones, have a bad rap as a high-calorie food. However, bread can also be part of a healthy diet. In fact, there are lots of alternatives that are just as delicious but much healthier. One delish example is homemade low-calorie bread. Try making our recipe for low-calorie Italian bread if you want to cut back on carbs. It tastes just like the usual Italian bread.

Recipe for Inspiration: Low-Calorie Italian Bread

Gluten-Free Bread

Gluten is what helps keep bread’s structure and gives it its signature soft and chewy texture. But that doesn’t mean that those on gluten-free diets can’t enjoy the tasty baked good! This recipe for gluten-free bread is healthy and tastes just as wonderful as the regular ones. To help make things easier, this recipe also makes use of a handy crockpot to make baking bread a whole lot easier.

Recipe for Inspiration: Gluten-Free Crockpot Bread

Meat & Eggs

Meat and eggs play an essential role in our daily diet. Apart from being protein-rich, they’re also an incredible source of nutrients such as iron, zinc, and more. Keep reading to explore the many benefits of consuming meat and eggs.


Chicken, undoubtedly, is one of the most common foods we consume on a day-to-day basis. On top of that, chicken meat is brimming with nutrients as well! It’s rich in protein and minerals such as calcium and phosphorus. And since they’re leaner than other meats, consuming chicken can help lower your blood cholesterol levels. Just make sure to remove the skin before cooking.

One of the best ways to serve chicken is by making some yummy meatloaf, so why not try this low cholesterol version? In this recipe, ground chicken is used instead of the usual red meat as chicken contains fewer amounts of saturated fats and bad cholesterol.

Recipe for Inspiration: Low Cholesterol Chicken Meatloaf

Red Meat

Though chicken meat has less saturated fats and bad cholesterol, red meat still provides plenty of benefits for one’s body and is safe to eat. Just make sure to stick to the lean cuts and always consume in moderation.

Red meat like pork, lamb, and veal are all stuffed with essential amino acids, making them an excellent source of protein. They can even help boost the immune system as well. Consuming lean meat also helps with the production of antibodies that protects you from several ailments.

With that said, check out this mouthwatering sirloin steak recipe. It’s a lean red meat cut which makes it healthier and is high in protein too. Not to mention that it’s sure to satisfy your steak cravings!

Recipe for Inspiration: Oven Grilled Sirloin Steak


Eggs, without a doubt, are one of the healthiest foods around. Did you know that a single egg contains 6 grams of protein with only 70 calories? Furthermore, eggs are also filled with vitamins and minerals which are great for brain health. This is why it’s only a good idea to kick off your day with a nice bowl of omelette. Give it a tastier twist by using chicken shreds as the base. You’ll love each bite of this egg dish.

Recipe for Inspiration: Chicken Omelette

Fish & Seafood

Looking for healthy food for weight loss? Fish and seafood make the best food choices! The good news is they’re not only good for your waistline, but for your heart as well. We’ve rounded up some of the healthiest fish and seafood dishes you should add to your dinner menu. And if you’re looking for more, we’ve also got some easy seafood recipes for you to try.


There is no question that salmon is one of the tastiest healthy food. In fact, it’s best known for its high omega-3 fatty acids content. This means adding salmon to your diet can help reduce inflammation and lower your blood pressure. Moreover, salmon is also chock full of protein and vitamins. This popular fatty fish brims with deliciousness when soaked in a flavorful marinade just like in this glazed salmon recipe.

Recipe for Inspiration: Glazed Salmon Recipe


Because of its distinct flavor, tuna is widely used in many cuisines. Like salmon, this saltwater fish is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids. Eating tuna is proven to be good for your heart. Another great thing about tuna is how versatile it is. Grilled or seared, it still tastes wonderful! So give this grilled tuna recipe a try. It’s paired with fresh salsa for a more flavorful meal.

Recipe for Inspiration: Grilled Tuna with Fresh Tomato Salsa


One of the biggest crowd favorites among seafood, shrimp has a sweet briny taste. But if you’re wondering whether shrimp is healthy, then the answer is yes, absolutely. Though some people may think shrimp is unhealthy, it’s actually packed full of nutrients like iodine and omega-3 fatty acids. Shrimp promotes brain health and heart health. And one way to enjoy shrimp is by combining it with finely-crushed dried corn and cheese. Whip up this creamy dish in less than an hour and serve it to your loved ones.

Recipe for Inspiration: Lean Shrimp and Grits


Oysters are one of the most nutritious kinds of shellfish you can consume. They’re low in calories and high in protein. Raw oysters contain vitamins and minerals which can benefit your brain health, too. When cooked, it brims with ocean flavors. Oysters can be enjoyed raw, grilled, or even steamed. You can even bake them to perfection just like in this recipe for spicy baked oysters.

Recipe for Inspiration: Spicy Baked Oysters

Dairy Products

Dairy products are basically food products made from milk such as yogurt, cheese, curd, and more. They’re loaded with essential nutrients and are easy to incorporate into dishes. Below, we listed down a few dairy products as well as their important health benefits.

Yogurt has been a culinary staple for centuries with good reason. This fermented dairy product is rich with protein and other nutrients like vitamins and minerals. This healthy food is also known to be good for digestion. Plus, a lot of delectable recipes feature the tartness of yogurt. This yogurt parfait recipe, for example, gets its sour flavors from said dairy product. Being a perfect addition to many dishes, it’s good to learn how to freeze yogurt for later use, too.

Recipe for Inspiration: Yogurt Parfait


Contrary to popular belief, buttermilk doesn’t contain butter and is not a high-fat milk. In fact, it’s full of nutrients which can improve digestion and prevent dehydration. Aside from its health benefits, it’s also widely used in cakes and bread. In our buttermilk pancake recipe, we make use of buttermilk instead of regular milk to make the pancakes more tender, thicker, and fluffier.  In addition, you can also make buttermilk substitutes should you run out of this dairy product.

Recipe for Inspiration: Buttermilk Pancakes

Sour Cream

Sour cream is commonly used to soften baked goods. It’s also a delicious ingredient for dips, soup, ice cream, drinks, and more. But did you know that sour cream has an array of nutritious benefits too? It’s packed with calcium, phosphorus, Vitamin B-12 and other nutrients. Moreover, there are lots of ways to make use of sour cream. We guarantee you that its sourness makes this coffee cake recipe more irresistible.

Recipe for Inspiration: Low-Fat Cinnamon Sour Cream Coffee Cake

Cream Cheese

Cream cheese is a perfect addition to baked goods and other sumptuous dishes because of its sweet and tangy flavor. It’s also a great and healthier replacement for butter because it’s low carb and contains select vitamins and minerals. All the more reason for you to try this herb cream cheese dip, especially if you’re on a low carb diet. It pairs well with desserts and snacks. Should you have some leftovers, you’ll be happy to find out that cream cheese can be frozen as well.

Recipe for Inspiration: Easy Herb Cream Cheese Dip

Soybean Products

Are you always wondering what foods you should eat daily to protect your health? Then know that soy products should definitely be on your healthy food list. Soy products are healthy foods made from soybeans. They’re naturally protein-rich and are perfect for a vegetarian diet. Soy can be consumed in many forms: there’s tofu, soy sauce, miso, tempeh, and more. Learn about the nutritional profiles of these soybean products.


Tofu, or bean curd, is full of protein, vitamins, and minerals. One of its substantial health benefits is that it can reduce the risk of breast, prostate, and digestive system cancers. This versatile and healthy foodis best used for soups, baked goods, and more.  If you want a lighter whip topping for your dessert, then try making some silken tofu. Silken tofu is a soft type of tofu with a deliciously smooth consistency, making it ideal as an alternative topping to whipped cream.

Recipe for Inspiration: Silken Tofu Whipped Topping


This fermented soybean paste is a staple in Asian cuisine, especially Japanese. It’s popularly used in soups, hence, the irresistible miso-based soup. Moreover, miso can be incorporated in jams, salad dressing, and more. Miso is also incredibly good for your health and is a good source of protein and vitamins. This healthy food ingredient can help improve digestion and help boost the immune system.

Recipe for Inspiration: Crockpot Miso Soup


Soymilk comes from soybeans, which makes it protein-rich and a good source of minerals and vitamins. Furthermore, soy milk also contains essential fatty acids and fiber. This non-dairy drink is also an excellent replacement for milk. There are also other ways you can add soymilk to your diet. You can mix it with a sweetener and low-fat tofu to make rich non-dairy eggnog for the holidays.

Recipe for Inspiration: Non-Dairy Eggnog

Soy Flour

Roasted soybeans are grounded into fine powder to make some soy flour. Soy flour contains plenty of protein, iron, Vitamin B, and calcium. Aside from its benefits, it’s also useful in cooking as it adds a pleasant texture and flavor to dishes like banana muffins. This recipe is apt when you’re trying to reduce your carb intake. It’s gluten-free and tastes amazing, too!

Recipe for Inspiration: Gluten-Free Banana Muffins

Spice & Herbs

In the medicinal and culinary world, herbs and spices are remarkably important. They provide flavors to many countless dishes all while boosting your health at the same time. Take a look at some of the popular herbs and spices and their amazing positive health effects.


Being one of the most popular spices, you’ll find all forms of cinnamon in the spice aisle. But what makes this ingredient so essential in the culinary world? Its medicinal advantages, of course. It’s a great source of antioxidants and contains anti-inflammatory properties, too. Furthermore, cinnamon has a spicy-sweet flavor that’s perfect for scrumptious desserts. So, have a bite of this delectable coffee cake with zero guilt. This dessert is low in fat and oh-so-delicious!

Recipe for Inspiration: Low Fat Cinnamon Sour Cream Coffee Cake 


Ginger, just like cinnamon, has also been used as medicine for centuries. This spice can help ease digestion and reduce symptoms of osteoarthritis. It’s also a healthy food for pregnant women as drinking a cup of ginger tea may help relieve pregnancy-related nausea. This aromatic spice is also prevalent in Asian cuisines. It also lends a zesty flavor to baked goods, drinks, and dishes.

Recipe for Inspiration: Ginger Cinnamon Tea


Sage is a popular culinary herb that’s loaded with minerals and vitamins. Its ability to lower cholesterol and blood glucose is just one of its many health benefits. This herb also helps improve mental performance. When it comes to cooking, this herb gives an earthy taste with minty notes to delicious dishes. In our butternut squash risotto recipe, sage blends wonderfully with the sweet chunks of squash.

Recipe for Inspiration: Butternut Squash Risotto with Saffron and Sage


Basil has a long history of being a natural remedy for several ailments such as insect bites and nausea. Moreover, it also helps reduce memory loss and depression caused by chronic stress. Basil is also a very common food seasoning, used as a topping for ice cream, and more. Perhaps one of the tastiest recipes featuring the rich and nutty herb is this basil pesto sauce. Slather it onto your pasta dish for a filling Italian-inspired meal.

Recipe for Inspiration: Basil Pesto


Not only does the rosemary herb give dishes a minty and woody flavor, but it’s also bursting with nutrients. This aromatic and healthy food contains iron, calcium, and Vitamin B-6. Rosemary herbs also have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which can help boost the immune system. This amazing herb alone can greatly elevate even your favorite bread.

Recipe for Inspiration: Rosemary Bread

Oil & Fats

Oils and fats are not particularly regarded as healthy food since they’re usually associated with greasy yet irresistible fast foods. But did you know that this is actually not the case and that there are good fats and oil, too? Here we list down some of the healthy fats and oil that you also need for your body to function properly.

Olive Oil

There’s a good reason why many consider olive oil as the healthiest fat. This golden liquid is a good source of beneficial fatty acids and Vitamins E and K. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, olive oil can also reduce the risk of heart disease.

With that said, it’s one of the healthiest oils to use for cooking. This delicious salmon dish is slathered with olive oil and brown mustard. And you’ll be enjoying a tasty and nutritious meal in less than an hour!

Recipe for Inspiration: Salmon with Brown Mustard and Olive Oil


Continue Reading Below

Canola Oil

Canola oil is packed with healthy fats, making it yet another nutritious oil to use when cooking. Its Vitamin E and K contents are also beneficial for skin health. It reduces skin problems such as acne, wrinkles, and blemishes.

Moreover, canola oil is best for high-heat cooking, which means it’s good for crisping up your favorite fried chicken. Rest assured that our Golden Corral-inspired recipe is healthy and delicious thanks to canola oil!

Recipe for Inspiration: Golden Corral Copycat Fried Chicken

Peanut Oil

Another healthy food to use when baking, sautéing, or cooking is peanut oil. This oil is made from peanut plant seeds, so it’s full of antioxidants and unsaturated fats. This means that cooking with peanut oil is good for your heart’s health. In addition, it also helps maintain blood sugar levels.

Therefore, it goes well with a variety of dishes. In fact, it’s often used in many Thai dishes, just like in this Pad See Ew noodles recipe. If you want a taste of the oriental, then this sweet Thai stir-fry noodle is ready to serve in just 20 minutes!

Recipe for Inspiration: Pad See Ew Thai Noodles

Sesame Oil

Sesame oil, like other healthy oils, has long been revered for its beneficial uses. It can help lower blood pressure and reduce arthritis pain. But did you know that sesame oil has beauty benefits as well? This oil is a natural SPF or sun protector and has anti-aging properties. Due to its distinctive nutty flavor, it’s used in an array of dishes, especially in Asian cuisines just like this teriyaki pork stir fry recipe.

Recipe for Inspiration: Teriyaki Pork Stir Fry

Avocado Oil

Avocado oil offers a wide range of health benefits. Not only is this oil heart-friendly, it also does wonders for your skin as well! In fact, it’s a popular ingredient in many skin care products. Avocado oil is a great option for high-heat cooking too. It’s the best choice in case you want to whip up some delicious chicken shawarma.

Recipe for Inspiration: One Pan Chicken Shawarma

Tea & Tisane

Tea is one of the most popular, not to mention one of the healthiest, drinks in the world. Herbal tea, for example, boosts the immune system due to its antioxidant properties. And that’s just one of the many herbal tea benefits that you can get.

However, despite its name, herbal teas are not real teas but are actually tisanes. Still, both herbal tea and as well as real teas like green tea and Chinese tea have equally amazing health benefits. Now, curl up with a warm mug as you read about these tea drinks and the medicinal benefits they have to offer.

Chamomile Tea

Having trouble sleeping at night? Then sip on a warm cup of chamomile tea. Chamomile has an antioxidant called apigenin which helps treat anxiety and insomnia. Hence, consuming chamomile tea before bedtime results in better sleep quality. Other benefits of chamomile tea include promoting better digestion and lowering blood sugar levels. If you’re interested to try this drink, check out our chamomile spiced tea recipe. It’s great for serving friends and guests!

Recipe for Inspiration: Chamomile Spiced Tea

Jasmine Tea

Jasmine tea is widely known for its floral aroma. That’s also the reason why it’s used in aromatherapy. But did you know that drinking this tea can also help improve one’s mood? On top of that, there are plenty more jasmine tea benefits that are good for you. If you want to relax with a steaming cup of jasmine tea, check out our easy recipe. It’s ready to serve in just five minutes.

Recipe for Inspiration: Jasmine Tea Recipe

Tulsi Tea

Tulsi tea has a wide range of health benefits, so you should be drinking this invigorating tea regularly. For one thing, this nutritious tea is good for your mental health. Drinking tulsi tea will leave you stress-free as it can lower the levels of cortisol or hormones that cause you stress. So if you’re feeling a little edgy lately, make a cup of tulsi tea to help you relax.

Recipe for Inspiration: Tulsi Tea Recipe

Green Tea

Green tea is truly one of the healthiest drinks that you should be sipping on right now. It contains natural antioxidants that protect cells from damage and can help reduce inflammation in the body. This tea drink has a calming effect and is good for your brain health as well. So kick off your day with a steaming cup of green tea. In this simple recipe, we give it a little kick by adding in a bit of ginger.

Recipe for Inspiration: Spicy Green Tea

Ayurvedic Massage


Ayurvedic Massage is an ancient therapy with its longest history in the world. It includes various techniques, medicated oils, herbal pastes and herbal powders, which may vary person-to-person according to individualized needs and health condition. Ayurvedic massage serves relaxation as well as therapeutic action. According to ayurveda, it is the best therapy for all types of vata disorders (neuromuscular disorders).

Ayurvedic massage benefits to delay aging, tone skin and reduce tiredness. It nourishes the skin, improves tactile sensation, increases lifespan and improves sleep quality. Ayurvedic massage on feet improves eyesight.

Ayurvedic massage also promotes strength, enhances tolerance and increases stamina. It increases the firmness
of the hair. Ayurvedic massage also benefits for children. In children, it boosts growth and provides strength to the body.

Therapeutically, it helps to prevent and treat body ache, physical debility and tiredness. In old age, it prevents physical debility and mental disorders.

What is Ayurvedic Massage?

There are several massage therapies are described in ayurveda, which are collectively known as Ayurvedic Massages. It can be oil massage or herbal powder massage. Your therapist can press specific energy points (also called Marma Points) according to your health condition and goal. All types of ayurvedic massage techniques are part of pre-operative procedures in Panchakarma modality of ayurveda.

Dosha Effects of Ayurvedic Massage

There are two types of ayurvedic massage based on its effects on Tridosha.

  1. Ayurvedic Oil Massage.
  2. Ayurvedic Powder Massage.

Ayurvedic oil massage primary reduces Vata Dosha. Ayurvedic powder massage primary reduces Kapha Dosha. However, based on the use of specific oil and herbal powder, the effects of ayurvedic massage on Dosha might differ. Special cooling oils are used in ayurvedic massage for pacifying Pitta Dosha as well.

Ayurvedic Oil Massage

Ayurveda provides a variety of medicated oils, which are used in ayurvedic massage. Based on your health goal and disease, ayurvedic practitioner can recommend better oil for you. Massage itself is very beneficial, but it becomes more efficacious when special oils according to Dosha are used for the ayurvedic massage. Here are a brief details:

Vata Dosha Oil

The following oils are well suitable for people with Vata Body Type or increased and aggravated Vata Dosha in their health condition.

  • Ankoladi Tail (Head Massage).
  • Balaswagandhadi Oil.
  • Brahmi Oil (Head Massage).
  • Dhanwantharam Oil.
  • Maha Narayan Oil.
  • Maharajaprasarini Thailam.

Pitta Dosha Oil

The following oils are well suitable for people with Pitta Body Type or aggravated Pitta Dosha in their health condition.

  1. Amla Yashtimadhu Oil.
  2. Amrutadi Thailam.
  3. Asana Vilwadi oil (head and ear massage).
  4. Chandanadi Thailam.
  5. Cow’s Ghee.
  6. Eladi Kera Thailam.
  7. Kayyanyadi oil (head massage).
  8. Neelibhringadi Oil (head massage).
  9. Shatavari Oil.

Kapha Dosha Oil

The following oils are well suitable for people with Kapha Body Type or increased Kapha Dosha in their health condition.

  • Amla Mustard Oil.
  • Amla Oil.
  • Bhringraj Oil (head massage).
  • Dhanwantharam Thailam.
  • Dhurdhurapatradi Oil (head massage).
  • Maha Bhringraj Oil (head massage).
  • Medicated Mustard Oil.

Note: There are hundreds of types of medicated oils available in ayurveda. Sometimes, all oils are not necessary. Some ayurvedic practitioner prepare a blend mixing several ayurvedic oils for each dosha and give name – Vata Oil, Pitta Oil and Kapha Oil. These blends are more effective and beneficial.

Ayurvedic Powder Massage

Ayurvedic powder massage is also called Udvartana Massage. It is beneficial for reducing Kapha Dosha in the body. A fine powder of astringent herbs is used in this massage, which liquefies the Kapha Dosha and fats underneath the skin. Generally, this type of massage is recommended for obese and over-weight people.

Ayurvedic Detox: Overview, Safety, and Effectiveness


Ayurveda, also known as Ayurvedic medicine, is one of the world’s oldest schools of traditional healing. Its name means “the science of life” (1).

Tracing back to India over 3,000 years ago, Ayurvedic medicine is said to promote “whole-body” healing — in contrast to Western medicine, which tends to separate physical, mental, and spiritual health (2).

Many followers of Ayurveda not only follow a traditional diet but also engage in regular detoxes that are believed to rid the body and mind of toxins, ultimately preventing illnesses. However, many health experts are skeptical of this detox’s purported benefits (2).

As such, you may wonder whether you should try an Ayurvedic detox.

This article provides a comprehensive review of the Ayurvedic detox, including its benefits, downsides, and side effects.

The Ayurvedic detox is based heavily on long-established precepts of Ayurvedic medicine.

Ayurveda divides the world into five elements — Vayu (air), Prithvi (earth), Teja (fire), Aakash (space), and Jala (water) (2).

Various combinations of each element are believed to form three humors, also known as doshas, which are responsible for different physiological functions in your body. The three doshas are vata, kapha, and pitta (2).

To ensure proper health, you’re meant to maintain balance between the three doshas, as well as the five elements. If imbalances exist, disease is said to occur (2).

An imbalance of waste products — mutra (urine), purisha (feces), and sweda (sweat) — is also believed to cause illnesses, such as diarrhea, constipation, asthma, arthritis, skin issues, and urinary tract infections (2).

Detoxes are meant to be a routine part of restoring balance to your health.

Keep in mind that each person has their own unique balance of doshas, based on genetics and personality traits, which are linked to various health outcomes. An Ayurvedic practitioner can help you determine your dosha and related treatment options.

Some Ayurvedic sources recommend detoxing at the start of each season to rid your body of toxins, or Ama, that may have accumulated during the previous season from food, stress, and other factors.


Ayurvedic doctrine holds that illness is caused by imbalanced bodily humors, or doshas, which can be remedied in part through regular detoxes.

Since people have different doshas, not all Ayurvedic detoxes look the same — though all are said to cleanse your body of impurities and toxins. In addition to a bodily detox, you’re encouraged to make broader dietary and lifestyle changes to achieve a balanced dosha.

An Ayurvedic detox may last 3–45 days, depending on the practices involved.

Bodily detox (Purvakarma and Panchakarma)

A preliminary phase known as Purvakarma is meant to send toxins to your bowels and the surface of your skin to be excreted.

Usually, this involves oil massage, steaming, and Shirodhara — a relaxation practice involving warm oil being placed on the forehead to promote mental clarity (3).

Next, a more intensive therapy called Panchakarma is recommended to rejuvenate your body and strengthen the detox. This consists of five karmas (treatments) (2, 4):

  1. Virechan: cleansing using powders, pastes, or heated medicinal plants
  2. Vaman: forced vomiting or purging through herbal medicinal treatment
  3. Basti: massage, as well as enemas using warm oils
  4. Rakta moksha: detoxification of the blood, also known as bloodletting
  5. Nasya: nasal clearance using herbal remedies, oils, and fumes

Depending on your dosha, you may receive one or more treatments. Proponents claim that the goal of Panchakarma is not only to remove toxins but also reestablish one’s mind-body unity.

Most people on an Ayurvedic detox are also prescribed herbal remedies, supplements, and teas to cleanse the body and bowels. These may come in the form of herbal cleanses, detox products, enemas, and bowel stimulants.

Finally, you may be told to take supplements for specific conditions and aspects of health, such as congestion, immune health, bowel regularity, and sleep.

Dietary modification

Although each dosha requires a different diet, you’re supposed to avoid any foods that are believed to cause toxin buildup in your body. These include alcohol, caffeine, artificial sweeteners, red meat, and processed foods (5, 6).

You may also be assigned an Ayurvedic diet depending on your dosha. You should then eat and avoid particular foods for the duration of your detox (7):

Water should be your primary beverage during the detox. Ginger tea is also encouraged for its stomach-soothing properties. In many cases, you’re meant to drink a detox tea before bed to cleanse your bowels (8).

It’s also recommended to eat at the same time each day, limit distractions while eating, enjoy pleasant conversations with others, and eat until you’re satisfied but not full (6).

In some cases, a “mono-diet” may be recommended. Usually, this involves eating a dish known as kitchari — rice, mung beans, and spices — for all meals of the day for a set period to rebalance your dosha.


Regular massage is encouraged during and after an Ayurvedic detox to move impurities in your body toward your digestive system.

Abhyanga, a form of massage that uses warm, herb-infused oil, is believed to prevent premature aging, drain your lymphatic system, and improve hair and skin health.

Massage can be performed at home or by a licensed professional. Self-massage is recommended at least once per day.

Yoga, tai chi, and other gentle movement practices are encouraged as well.

Meditation and mindfulness

Daily meditation and mindfulness practices are key components of Ayurvedic detox.

By using various breathing techniques, meditation can help you disconnect from daily distractions, decrease anxiety, lower your stress levels, and increase creativity and self-awareness. Meditation can last anywhere from 10 minutes to over 1 hour (9).

Practicing mindfulness allows you to be in the present moment, fully aware of every movement and task. You’re encouraged to practice mindfulness while you eat, exercise, and perform other daily tasks.


The traditional Ayurvedic detox involves herbs, supplements, purges, enemas, bloodletting, and a dietary regimen, as well as stress-relieving lifestyle practices like meditation and massage.

Proponents claim that the Ayurvedic detox helps cleanse your body of contaminants and promote overall health. While scientific studies cast doubt on the effectiveness of detoxes, certain components of the Ayurvedic detox may have other benefits.

Weight loss

Though weight loss isn’t the goal of the Ayurvedic detox, people looking to lose weight may find several aspects of the detox helpful.

Whenever you switch from a diet of highly processed foods to one of minimally processed, whole foods, you’ll likely eat fewer calories. That’s because these foods are high in protein, healthy fats, and fiber, which keep you full for longer (10, 11, 12, 13).

What’s more, research shows that mindful eating helps you consume fewer calories by making you more aware of hunger cues and conscious of every bite, which can help prevent overeating (14, 15, 16).

That said, most of the short-term weight loss you experience may come from enemas, bowel stimulants, and detox formulas. These products are laxatives designed to eliminate waste quickly, leading to a temporary reduction in water weight.

Not only do laxatives run the risk of dehydration, but taking them regularly may also put you at risk of nutrient deficiencies, as your body does not have enough time to absorb vitamins and minerals (17, 18).

Therefore, it’s best to focus on mindful eating paired with a wholesome diet — and steer clear of taking laxatives for weight loss.

Other benefits

There’s very little scientific research on the Ayurvedic detox, making it difficult to know if it provides any long-term benefits.

However, the Ayurvedic lifestyle promotes numerous healthy habits. A diet of whole foods with limited alcohol and processed foods has been linked to a lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and certain types of cancer (20, 21, 22, 23).

What’s more, daily meditation and mindfulness practices are associated with lower rates of stress and anxiety, as well as better quality of life. Plus, disconnecting from technology and daily stressors can help you connect with yourself and your thoughts (24, 25, 26).


The Ayurvedic detox may aid weight loss, but detox teas and laxatives can be dangerous and should be avoided. Most of the regimen’s scientifically backed benefits involve mindfulness and meditation — not the detox itself.

Despite some of the positive aspects of Ayurveda, its detox has numerous downsides and may threaten your health.

Lack of evidence

Although many people report feeling better after doing an Ayurvedic detox, very little evidence supports its effectiveness.

Proponents of Ayurveda claim that illness is formed from imbalances in your body that must be detoxified. Yet, your body has its own natural detoxification system consisting of your lungs, kidneys, liver, intestines, and skin (27, 28, 29).

If your body accumulates actual toxins, you would need to seek immediate medical attention — not do a detox. Furthermore, the current evidence suggests that detox products don’t enhance your body’s ability to flush toxins (29).

Severe health risks and lack of safety

Several components of the traditional Ayurvedic detox may jeopardize your health.

Self-induced vomiting and regularly using enemas, laxatives, and detox products are unsafe practices that may put you at risk of dehydration, nutrient deficiencies, electrolyte imbalances, and — in severe cases — kidney failure and heart complications (30).

These practices may likewise trigger disordered eating tendencies, especially when used for weight loss (31).

What’s more, practices like bloodletting can have serious side effects, such as bacterial infections, and have been largely discredited by medical professionals (32, 33).

Additionally, many supplements recommended during an Ayurvedic detox haven’t been shown to improve your body’s ability to eliminate toxins and are thus prescribed unnecessarily, putting your liver at risk of damage (34, 35).

In fact, the overuse of Ayurvedic supplements is tied to higher rates of liver injury and failure due to high doses, heavy metal content, improper combinations of ingredients, and interactions with other drugs, supplements, or nutrients (36, 37, 38).

Therefore, you should always speak to your healthcare provider before taking any herbal supplements.


No scientific evidence supports using the Ayurvedic detox to treat or cure disease. Practices like self-induced vomiting, routine laxative use, and supplementing with Ayurvedic herbs are cause for concern and should be avoided.

Although the Ayurvedic diet includes many healthy foods and eating practices, such as mindful eating and increased vegetable and legume intake, the detox itself poses many health risks.

Any detox that encourages self-induced vomiting or laxative use puts you at risk of severe dehydration, nutrient deficiencies, and disordered eating tendencies.

Moreover, the detox promotes the use of herbs and supplements that are not backed by scientific evidence and may increase your risk of liver damage.

Keep in mind that the detox’s central tenant isn’t based in sound science — it doesn’t eliminate toxins from your body because your body already has a detoxification system. Any advantages seen from this detox likely come from eating a healthier diet.

As such, the risks of the Ayurvedic detox outweigh its benefits. It’s best to avoid it.


You shouldn’t try the Ayurvedic detox because it promotes harmful behaviors that can lead to severe dehydration, nutrient deficiencies, and even organ failure. If you’re interested in Eastern practices, the Ayurvedic diet is a better bet.

The Ayurvedic detox is a traditional component of Ayurveda, an ancient healing practice from India.

Although Ayurvedic practices like meditation, mindful eating, and massage may benefit both your physical and mental health, the detox itself is dangerous and highly discouraged.

Detoxes not only lack scientific backing but also may lead to dangerous side effects like heart complications, liver damage, eating disorders, nutrient deficiencies, and kidney failure.

You should always consult your healthcare provider before taking any Ayurvedic supplements.

If you’re interested in Ayurveda, you’re better off incorporating its dietary and lifestyle practices into your routine — while stringently avoiding any detoxes.

Healing Nut Milk (Provides Equal Nutrition as Cow’s Milk)


Healing nut milk is a special plant-based milk that provides almost equal nutritional value compared to cow’s milk. However, it will still be deficient in Vitamin D and Vitamin B12.

You should take sunbath for 30 minutes daily for Vitamin D or 1000 IU of Vitamin D supplement daily. We recommend considering supplementation 50 mcg of cyanocobalamin daily for Vitamin B12. Except these, you can get almost similar nutrient content with the following recipe.

However, if you are vegetarian and taking milk products, you also require Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D supplementation regardless of their amount present in dairy products. Read Vitamin B12 Guide.

Benefit of this special plant-based milk:

  • Contains good amount of Omega 3 Fatty Acids.
  • Excellent source of Calcium.
  • Good for children (now you don’t need to worry about cow’s milk).
  • Low in sugar.
  • Lactose free.
  • Contains Vitamin A.

Plant-based Milk Recipe

Water 1 cup (around 240 ml)
Carrot 1/3 carrot (around 30 g) chopped
Walnuts 15 grams
Almonds 15 grams
Sesame Seeds 15 grams

How to Make

  1. Add water and chopped carrot in a blender.
  2. Blend it till mixture become smooth.
  3. Filter carrot water and discard carrot pulp.
  4. Now add carrot water in the blender along with presoaked walnuts, almonds and sesame seeds.
  5. Blend the mixture.
  6. Plant-based milk is ready to drink.

Nutritional Value

Major Nutrients

Nutrients Carrot Water * Walnut Almonds Sesame Total
Calories 2.9 90 82 85 259.9
Protein 0.1 g 2.2 g 3 g 2.5 g 7.8 g
Total Carbohydrates 0.66 g 2 g 3 g 3.5 g 9.16 g
Dietary Fiber 0.2 g 1 g 1.7 g 1.77 g 4.67 g
Starch 0.1 g 0 0.1 g 0 0.2 g
Sugar 0.33 g 0.03 g 0.56 g 0.05g 0.9 g
Total Fat 0.025 g 10 g 7 g 7.4 g 24.4 g
Saturated Fat 0 0.78 g 0.5 g 1 g 2.28 g
Monounsaturated Fat 0 1.25 g 4.6 g 2.8 g 8.65
Polyunsaturated Fat 0 7 g 1.8 g 3.2 g 13 g
Total trans fatty acids 0 0 0 0 0
Total Omega-3 fatty acids 0.15 mg 1360 mg 0.91 mg 56 mg 1417 mg
Total Omega-6 fatty acids 8 mg 5710 mg 1809 mg 3186 mg 10713 mg
Cholesterol 0 0 0 0 0


Nutrients Carrot Water * Walnut Almonds Sesame Total
Water-Soluble Vitamins : : : : :
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) 0 0.05 mg 0.053 mg 0.1 mg 0.2 mg
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 0 0.16 mg 0.05 mg 0.21 mg
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 0.075 mg 0.15 mg 0.48 mg 0.7 mg 1.4 mg
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) 0.25 mg 0.1 mg 0.05 mg 0.4 mg
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 0.1 mg 0.1 mg 0.2 mg
Folate (form of Vitamin B9) 7 mcg 14.6 mcg 21.6 mcg
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) 0.43 mg 0.2 mg 0.63 mg
Fat-Soluble Vitamins : : : : :
Vitamin A, IU 1170 IU 3 IU 0.15 IU 1.3 IU 1174 IU
Vitamin D
Vitamin E (alpha-Tocopherol) 0.05 mg 0.1 mg 3.91 mg 0.05 mg 4.11 mg
Vitamin K 0.93 mcg 0.5 mcg 1.4 mcg


Nutrients Carrot Water * Walnut Almonds Sesame Total
Calcium, Ca 2.5 mg 15 mg 39.6 mg 146.3 mg 203 mg
Iron, Fe 0.025 mg 0.5 mg 0.5 mg 2.1 mg 3.1 mg
Magnesium, Mg 0.85 mg 23.6 mg 40 mg 52 mg 116.5 mg
Phosphorus, P 2.4 mg 50 mg 72.86 mg 92.6 mg 218 mg
Potassium, K 22 mg 65.8 mg 105.5 mg 70 mg 263 mg
Sodium, Na 4.8 mg 0.3 mg 0.16 mg 1.5 mg 6.76 mg
Zinc, Zn 0.025 mg 0.5 mg 0.48 mg 1.17 mg 2.2 mg
Copper 0.2 mg 0.17 mg 0.59 mg 0.96 mg
Manganese 0.5 mg 0.32 mg 0.36 mg 1.18 mg
Selenium 0.7 mcg 0.38 mcg 0.86 mcg 1.94 mcg

Comparison with Cow’s Milk

One cup of special nut milk is compared with 1 cup of cow’s milk.

Major Nutrients

Nutrients Special Nut Milk Cow’s Milk
Calories 259.9 146
Protein 7.8 g 7.9 g
Total Carbohydrates 9.16 g 12.8 g
Dietary Fiber 4.67 g 0
Starch 0.2 g 0
Sugar 0.9 g 12.8 g
Total Fat 24.4 g 7.9 g
Saturated Fat 2.28 g 4.6 g
Monounsaturated Fat 8.65 2 g
Polyunsaturated Fat 13 g 0.5 g
Cholesterol 0 24.4 mg
Total Omega-3 fatty acids 1417 mg 183 mg
Total Omega-6 fatty acids 10713 mg 293 mg


Nutrients Special Nut Milk Cow’s Milk
Water-Soluble Vitamins :
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) 0.2 mg 0.1 mg
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 0.21 mg 0.4 mg
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 1.4 mg 0.3 mg
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) 0.4 mg 0.9 mg
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 0.2 mg 0.1 mg
Folate (form of Vitamin B9) 21.6 mcg 12.2 mcg
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) 1.1 mcg
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) 0.63 mg 0
Fat-Soluble Vitamins :  
Vitamin A, IU 1174 IU 249 IU
Vitamin D 0 97.6 IU
Vitamin E (alpha-Tocopherol) 4.11 mg 0.1 mg
Vitamin K 1.4 mcg 0.5 mcg


Nutrients Special Nut Milk Cow’s Milk
Calcium, Ca 203 mg 273 mg
Iron, Fe 3.1 mg 0.1 mg
Magnesium, Mg 116.5 mg 24.4 mg
Phosphorus, P 218 mg 222 mg
Potassium, K 263 mg 349 mg
Sodium, Na 6.76 mg 97.6 mg
Zinc, Zn 2.2 mg 1 mg
Copper 0.96 mg 0
Manganese 1.18 mg 0
Selenium 1.94 mcg 9 mcg


How many times can I take Healing Nut Milk?

You can take it 3 times a day (if prepared with above method and using same amounts).

The maximum recommended/allowable limit for sesame seeds is 45 grams per day. If you want to take it more times, you should alternate sesame seeds with poppy seeds, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, etc.

Can I use other seeds instead of sesame seeds?

You can use Poppy Seeds and Chia Seeds instead of sesame seeds. Poppy seeds are very high in calcium.

One and a half tablespoon (around 15 grams) of Poppy Seeds will give you around 210.8 mg of calcium.

One and a half tablespoon (around 15 grams) of Chia Seeds will give you around 94.6 mg of calcium.

Does Yoga Improve Sex? 10 Reasons and Relations

Sex and yoga are often considered as a complementary practice because sex is said to be the union of two souls. While the literal translation of yoga from Sanskrit to English means ‘union’, the union of the mind, body and the spirit. However, does yoga improve sex?

Every day, millions of people around the world practice yoga for its benefits. Yoga is known to help increase flexibility, physical strength, stamina, mental strength, emotional intelligence and concentration, the perfect recipe for healthy sex life.

Is It Proven that Yoga Improve Sex?

If you were to ask your yoga teacher or ask people of their experiences, they would tell you about the ancient practices of yoga and how it helps or has helped improve their sex life and, it is true.

Sometimes, it is hard to believe in word of mouth or someone else’s experience on the internet, especially when it is about something that is a gradual process. Fortunately, it isn’t a coincidence that people who practice yoga have seen improvement in their sex life.

Research on Yoga To Improve Sex Life

According to a study, the women who participated found that in the 12 weeks of the study, they experienced increased sexual desire and overall quality of sex. Another study done in men over 12 weeks found that the participants experienced overall satisfaction during sex.

The researchers of this study also conducted a trial which concluded that yoga is a viable non-pharmacological alternative to Fluoxetine (Prozac) for treating premature ejaculation.


10 Reasons How Yoga Improves Sex Life

With more people experiencing the benefits of yoga, a lot of researchers have started putting it to the test for the whole world to see. Every day, modern medicine comes closer to finding yoga a better option, as a lifestyle and as a treatment option. Similarly, these are a few ways yoga can help you improve your sex life.

1. Yoga Helps Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor Muscles

In many forms of yoga, ‘Mula-dhara’ refers to the base of the spine, the perineum, and the pelvic floor. Pelvic floor muscles are the group of muscles which help increase blood flow to the groin and are active during sex.

Various yoga poses like Butterfly Pose, Downward Dog, Crow Pose and Chaturanga Dandasanacan increase core strength and helps strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and the spine. Thus, increasing flexibility and bringing awareness to this area can help you enjoy better sex.

2. Yoga Increased Flexibility

Jobs today, require us to sit for long hours, which is how many people end up with stiff hamstrings and tight hips. Many yoga poses like hip openers increase your range of motion, which essentially makes your pelvic region stronger.

A flexible pelvic floor can lead to being more comfortable in different positions during sex. For enthusiasts, it also prevents injuries while trying something different.

3. Yoga Improves Sexual Stamina

Some forms of yoga are very dynamic with high cardiovascular activities. This increases stamina and endurance in people. By having control over the breath, can help you be mindful of your orgasms. Bringing awareness in the pelvic region can also boost endurance and longer orgasms in men.

4. Yoga Increases Sensation

The capacity to feel the intensity of a sensation is key to enjoy sex. We have discussed how yoga increases your sense of awareness and in conjunction with your surroundings.

Further, yoga can help you better understand the sensations in your body, which keeps your mind and body in tune. This eventually can lead to you increased sensuality during sex and help for a deeper connection with your partner.

5. Yoga Increases Communication

Communication is key in any successful relationships and so it is even during sex. Practicing yoga is a process itself to strengthen the communication between your body, mind, and soul.

Ensuing, only ones with a good communication with self can have clear communication with others as well. Thus, the more you find yourself in tune with your partner, the better you can both enjoy your sex life.

6. Yoga Makes You More Energized

Today, people are usually physically as well as mentally fatigued after coming back to home from work and, rightly so. Additional to that, we are sleep-deprived or just too stressed to even have a good night’s sleep. As a result, most people would rather prefer to have rest than enjoy the company of their partner.

One of the primary goals of Yoga is to keep both our body and mind fresh and enthusiastic. It will help you feel more energized and joyful. Which as a result, will always lead to healthy and happy sex life.

7. Yoga Improves Presence of Mind

Yoga and meditation have always encouraged and advocated for being in the present moment. Regular practice of yoga leads to increased awareness of the self and, your surroundings.

When your mind is wandering during sex, you are detached from the moment, leading to unsatisfied sex. Practicing yoga can help you be present during sex both physically and mentally.

8. Yoga Builds Self-Confidence

It is a known fact that yoga makes you physically flexible and strong. At the same time, it also makes you mentally flexible and strong too. Yoga is a tool to unite with the self and that can only happen when you know who you are and accepting yourself as you are.

Which as a result, makes a yogi untouchable, they are totally comfortable with their body image and have high self-esteem. Being comfortable in your skin and having confidence in yourself is vital to enjoying a healthy sex life.

9. Yoga Reduces Stress and Anxiety

A good yoga session gives you a sense of peace and contentment. For people who experience high levels of anxiety, regular practice of yoga and meditation helps a lot to decrease it. Anxiety is a serious matter of concern for a healthy sexual relationship. As it can decrease your libido (sexual appetite/desire).

Also, it is no secret that Yoga is known to relieve stress. It does this by reducing cortisol levels in your body and helping you keep a cool head at all times. Stress creates a long list of illness, and it is also known to interfere with healthy sex lives. By reducing stress, not only do you live a healthier life, but also have a better sex life.

10. Yoga Can Ease Menstrual Syndromes

While common menstrual problems like cramps, post menstrual syndrome and premenstrual syndrome (PMS), having a “cozy” time is the last thing any girl would want. Thankfully, Yoga can help provide relief form those monthly problems.

In India, researchers did a study on 150 women with period problems including spotting, cramps, and heavy flows — half of who practiced yoga. After six months, those who maintained a regular yoga routine had lower levels of follicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, and prolactin, which lead to less severe menstrual symptoms.

When you aren’t plagued by cramps and backaches, you’ll be more inclined to get your orgasm on, which also helps to relieve period pain.

In Conclusion

Yoga isn’t just a physical activity or a spiritual experience, it is a combination of both, which makes it distinguishable from other forms of exercise or just a spiritual experience. In keeping with today’s world, we have very less time to take care of ourselves and this has come in the way of better sex life but, the introduction of yoga can make all the difference that you and your partner may have been looking for.

How to Calm a Disturbed Mind? | Vedic Management Center | Inspire the Intellect


The mind is key to everything you do. Your success or failure is often a direct reflection of your state of mind. Mind that is focused has boundless potential, whereas a mind that’s disturbed cripples all possibilities. Calming a disturbed mind is, therefore, the key to achieving all that one intends to.

The only constant in this world is change itself. Millions of cells die, and millions regularly created in this body. Your mind continually changes its perceptions, thoughts, ideas, and opinions. Yet neither the mind nor the body is efficient in adapting to all life’s inevitable changes, be those changes internal or external. Therefore, an ordinary mind is fearful of change when it comes to relationships, economics, politics, or even home.

Mind that is driven by scientific temper seeks analysis and planning whereas the mind without the scientific temper seeks higher powers. Both type of minds often suffers – for there is no way to predict the future with precision. Expectation and desires of the mind are the reason for our pain. Given this, people often search for a realistic path where suffering is limited or completely absent.

Vedic philosophy is of that realism. This realism of Vedic knowledge, philosophy, or thought is not about believing the reality of the physical world that is perceived by the sense organs. Our sense organs don’t often see the complete picture, nor can the mind interpret things holistically. Our sense organs, as well as the mind, can easily be tricked by appearances. How do you think “magicians” make their living? We can have the sharpest mind, eyes, ears, nose, etc. and yet fail to explain the complicated tricks performed by those magicians.

According to Vedic Rishis and Munis, the greater truth is that which we can neither feel nor see – only understand and realize. Yet that supreme truth or Paramartha is all pervading. According to them it’s in every being. It’s the source of creation as well as “destruction”. Destruction, according to these revered sages, is only another change. Nothing that we can see, or feel is eternal. Only the Paramartha or the ultimate truth is eternal.

Given we cannot see, smell, or hear this Ultimate Truth, how do they expect us to comprehend it? It’s only by following a code of conduct through our lives, be that professional or personal. This code of conduct is what defines the Dharma Shastras – texts on Dharma (righteous conduct).

There have been interpreters of Vedic knowledge calling the external world as “false,” “untruth” and “illusion,” this is because the Sanskrit word Maya is often subtly translated as illusion. Maya refers to outer appearances that must be understood correctly, or they can deceive us.

Consider this: What’s is good or bad? Is that which appears to be good today can be good tomorrow? Is that relative good – good? According to the Vedic rishis and munis – good and bad are often relative to a weak mind. If a mind thinks it can or cannot control circumstances – that mind is verily weak. Such mind is prone to suffer – pleasure as well as pain. While pleasure of such mind is short lived – pain stays for longer duration.

There are a few signs to determine such minds:

  1. SEEKING EXTERNAL HELP: A mind that’s weak always seek external help, from people as well as supernatural beings.
  2. BLAMING: When a mind cannot provide a substantial reason for the result of its action – it tries to blame external factors like luck, lack of grace, or even wrath of the gods.
  3. DOMINATING: A weak mind is always concerned with dominating others. It tries to dominate almost everyone, emotionally and physically. That’s because it cannot accept losing something – it fears change.
  4. SCHEMING: A weak mind to protect or attain its object of desire schemes to attain or retain it. So those who hatch vicious plans aren’t the brightest of minds. Brilliant minds are wise minds – they understand that one must reap whatever one sows.
  5. LYING: Scheming can seldom happen without lying and deceit. Therefore, a mind that lies or deceives is undoubtedly disturbed.
  6. CURSING: the only mind that has accepted wisdom can comprehend the fact that not everything is controllable. When a mind that is unaccepting of knowledge tries to control things and fails, it often retorts to cursing those who come in its way.
  7. DELUSIONAL: Mind that is disturbed is undoubtedly the mind that is engrossed by delusions. When we are born into this body, we’ve nothing, and when this body is gone, all that comes with this body will be gone. So why be sad, worry or brood over it? Besides a disturbed mind also disturbs others with its flawed understanding. Such minds are obsessed with getting others to believe in what they do. They even beg, borrow, steal, or even kill to sell their version of “truth,” which is nothing but delusion. Such a mind can seldom find peaceful sleep and often makes for troubled lives even if one achieves a position of influence and power.

Balancing a disturbed mind isn’t easy – but not impossible. The first thing you need to do is to find quality time for yourself and introspect. An inner sense of self, call it Atman or Conscience, is essential. You need to know who you are and who you are not. Without a clear idea, you’ll always fall right into the trap of the deluded mind where only pain and misery prevail.

Here are a few simple practices to help you calm your mind when disturbed:

  1. BREATHE: No matter how disturbed your mind, watching your breathing pattern, and making it steady can help you balance your mind. Deep inhaling and exhaling are essential when your mind filled with anger, hate, and envy. So always spend some time to learn and practice Pranayama (breathing exercises suggested in Ashtanga Yoga).
  2. DIET: What you eat has a direct effect on your mind and body. It’s, therefore, essential to eat that is harmonious. In Ayurveda, the food is of three types, namely Sattvik (good), Rajasic (Middling), and Tamasic (bad). Sattvik food is to be most preferred.
  3. THOUGHTS: Thoughts have a direct impact on our actions, conscious as well as unconscious. Untamed mind induces feelings that incite anger, envy, and fear. It’s crucial, therefore, for you to understand your true self and not confuse it with the mind. Every time you have a thought that induces negative feelings, know for sure that fear and hope are figments of your imagination. If you fear, you cut yourself off from the path of happiness if you hope you cling to a bit of joy. However, if you can curtail both fear and hope – you’ll enjoy only bliss. Detachment is the quality of the wise, who’ve achieved absolute peace.
  4. COMPANIONSHIP: The company of people can easily sway the mind. Peer pressure shapes various tendencies in humans, good or bad. If your mind is feeling disturbed, depressed, or let down, make sure it’s not because of the people around you who are draining your energies. In our competitive world, we cannot escape from people with negative tendencies, but we can certainly maintain a distance from them. So, choose your friends carefully. There’s nothing wrong with letting go of relationships that bring you only pain. Try having people around you who’re wise, who take pleasure in helping others. The companionship of the wise is vital for attaining perpetual bliss in Vedic texts.
  5. ACTIVITIES: The mind can absorb emotions from the things we do for recreation. Music, books, movies, games, etc. play pivotal roles in shaping our subconscious minds. A mind can also be disturbed because of the emotions that your enjoyments generate. Try to listen to music that instills cheer, movies that project positivity, games about building meaningful things, books that reflect wisdom, etc.

The said five are only an outline to curtail the many negatives that can disturb the balance of mind. We’ve found that these simple considerations can prevent or remove most of our emotional problems in this competitive era. As soon as we find balance and peace in mind it’s incredible how much bliss and accomplishment we can experience. “Even conquering the world brings no bliss comparable to what we experience when conquering our mind.” Suggests Vedic sage Bhartrihari, in his revered work Neeti Shataka.

Ayurvedic Health Drink: 5 Ayurvedic Herbal Drinks You Must Have to Stay Fit


01/6These drinks are very healthy

Have you ever wondered why our forefathers had strong immunity and were naturally healthier? Well, one of the biggest reasons is that they had herbs and spices to heal their ailing bodies as compared to us, who are dependent on colourful pills. Herbs and spices have been used for centuries to treat different health issues. Soaking these herbs in water increases their healing power. To prepare herb-infused water, you just have to soak some herbs in a glass of water, leave it overnight and drink it in the morning.

02/6Fenugreek Water

Fenugreek seeds are used to prepare Indian food and are commonly found in every household. Slightly bitter in taste, this spice is a storehouse of medicinal properties and can cure many health problems. Fenugreek seeds are loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Drinking fenugreek infused water can help you lose weight, boost immunity, control blood sugar level and promote better digestion.


03/6Tulsi Water


Tulsi is known for its medicinal properties. The antibiotic, anti-fungal and antibacterial properties of Tulsi helps to prevent fever and cold and is also good for your skin and hair. Many people even chew tulsi leaves to get rid of headache, toothache and sore throat. Drinking tulsi infused water three times a day can even help to keep acidity at bay. Apart from this, the anti-inflammatory properties of tulsi help to lower inflammation, and risk of developing heart disease.

04/6Cinnamon Water

Loaded with antioxidants, cinnamon protects our body from oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Its anti-inflammatory properties help to protect the body from infections. Cinnamon water even helps to reduce the blood sugar level by lowering the breakdown of carbohydrates in the digestive tract. To gain maximum benefits of cinnamon it is best to soak them in water for some time.

05/6Coriander seed Water

Coriander is used in Indian dishes to add a distinct flavour to the food. Coriander seeds are packed with antioxidants, which helps to promote heart health by lowering blood cholesterol levels and decreasing blood pressure. Coriander seed water even helps to manage diabetes and relieve symptoms of arthritis. Apart from this, Coriander seed water contains fatty acids and essential oils that help in easy digestion of food.


06/6Triphala Water

Triphala is a traditional Ayurvedic medicine. It is a mix of three dried fruits-Indian gooseberries (Emblica Officinalis), black myrobalan (Terminalia chebula), and Haritaki (Terminalia chebula). Due to its numerous health benefits, Triphala is considered a polyherbal medicine. Triphala infused water helps to promote longevity and cures acute constipation problems. Moreover, this concoction is beneficial for those trying to lose weight.