6 Simple Ways to Balance Your Root Chakra



The root chakra is often thought of as providing energy to other chakras, so if it’s blocked or unbalanced, your other chakras likely are as well. Just like a building, making sure that your chakras have a firm foundation—with a balanced root chakra—is crucial to having a healthy, open chakra system.

If you feel controlling, quick to anger, undriven, and self-conscious, your root chakra might need balancing. When your root chakra is balanced, you have energy and self-confidence rather than arrogance or fear, and you feel calm, centered and ready for what life brings. Here are six easy tips to balancing your root chakra.

1. See red.

Seriously—envisioning the color red glowing brightly at the base of the spine, where this chakra is located, is the beginning of root chakra cleansing and balancing. Start with the simple meditation of imaging a bright red light at the base of your tailbone. Picture this red light extending down your legs and feet, grounding you to the earth.

2. Dance.

I don’t care if you “can’t dance.” Close the door and move your body. This is one of the best ways to balance this chakra. Even better—turn on music and sing along, as singing cleanses your throat chakra for an added bonus.

3. Get on your yoga mat.

Many yoga postures are designed to cleanse this chakra. My favorite is tree pose. You can use your ‘seeing red’ visualization as you firmly plant your entire left foot onto your mat and bring your right foot up into tree pose. Keep your hip points squarely ahead and your toes tucked in as you place your foot anywhere on your leg besides your knee. Be creative and make your tree pose your own. Place your right leg into half lotus or engage your core and reach your arms overhead, keeping the base of your neck soft and your elbows straight as you rotate the pinky side of your hands in to engage your triceps. Most importantly, feel supported and connected to the earth as you hold your tree pose for 5 to 8 breaths before switching sides.

4. Take a shower.

This is such a wonderful root chakra cleanser. We are physical animals in addition to being intelligent, thoughtful human beings. Embrace and love your physicality by being completely present as you bathe. Mindfully moving is a powerful form of meditation.

5. Zen out on a walk.

Take this idea of mindfully moving on your walk with you. Concentrate on your foot leaving the ground and connecting to the earth again with each step. You’ll give your mind a break and cleanse your root chakra at the same time.

6. Get a pedicure.

I had to throw this one in. My grandfather had a friend that was known for saying, “you can always tell how well a person takes care of themselves by how they take care of their feet.” This might be a little bit of an exaggeration, but loving your feet and taking the time to pamper your physical body are great ways to also care for your root chakra energy.

What is Root Chakra and How to Activate it?

Root Chakra is our first primary chakra. It’s the chakra connected with life energy. When this chakra is balanced we feel secure and grounded but it get often blocked by worrying too much and letting anxiety and stress of life take over.

How to know if Root Chakra is Blocked?

Root chakra blockage manifests itself mostly in physical symptoms. These include lower back pain, pain and stiffness in legs and feet, feeling low in energy, lacking life energy. On the emotional level, there is lingering deep insecurity which makes you act out of fear in most of the situations.

How can we unblock and activate Root Chakra?

Since Root Chakra is our primary chakra – to activate, heal and bringing it to balance, should be our starting point. Here are a few simple things, when done regularly will start restoring the balance in this chakra.

Exercise Daily:  Physical movement and really making an effort daily to keep our bodies physically active, if the key to the Root Chakra healing. Do whatever you like to do, be it walking, running, yoga, dance.. keep yourself physically active throughout the day.

Do chanting meditation: In order to stimulate this chakra and correct its vibrational energy, chakra seed mantra chanting meditation is really effective. The seed mantra for Root Chakra is LAM. Do this chanting meditation daily. It will help you to connect with you inner energy centers more quickly so that you yourself can intuitively feel the imbalance in energies, and chanting seed mantra will slowly start balancing the chakra and elevating its energy. We created a guided meditation for root chakra for beginners and here is a seed mantra chanting meditation track you can use for your meditation.

Wear Red, Eat Red Stuff: Yes, colors matter. Eat red fruits and veggies will really help when balancing the root chakra. Also, wear the red color, it’s the color of the root chakra.

Use Affirmations: It’s very easy to fall back into the routine we have been following for years, and change takes real commitment and mental strength. Affirmations are a very good way to build that mental strength and train ourself out of those limiting beliefs we have been living with throughout our lives.  Here are some of the root chakra affirmations you can use.

I am peaceful

I feel safe, secure and stable

I am connected to my body

I am grounded and connected to the earth

I love and trust myself

I embrace change

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