How to Get a Six-pack: Your Ultimate Abs Workout for Core Strength



Complete three circuits of the six exercises below four times a week (Learney suggests Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday or Saturday) for four weeks. On two of your non-workout days, complete 45 minutes of uphill treadmill walking (not running). Rest on Sunday.

Your total workout each day should last 45 minutes. Fill in any spare time you may have after completing the circuits with some uphill treadmill walking to complete a 45-minute slot. Keep your rest periods tight and focus on technique rather than speed.

1. Overhead Squats

Why: “This exercise has a high metabolic output as multiple joints are used. It fires the midsection through stabilising the weight above the head while simultaneously lengthening the midsection.” How to get six pack abs? Compound movements are key.

How: Grab a barbell with palms facing down and hands almost at the ends of the bar. Lift it to your chest then overhead, locking your arms and retracting your shoulders to take the weight. This is your start position.

Keeping your arms straight and taking care to not arch your back, push your hips back and bend your knees to lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Drive your heels into the floor to push yourself explosively back up to the start position. Repeat, then lower the bar under control after you’ve finished all your reps.

Sets: 3-4

Reps: 20-30

Rest: 30 seconds

Crank it up for weeks three and four: Increase sets to 5-6, decrease rest to 0-15 seconds and make the bench an inch lower.

2. Prone knee to Opposite Elbow

Why: “This statically stabilises the midsection much like the plank but adds the element of internal hip rotation to work your obliques and mobilise your hip flexors.”

How: In a push-up position, rotate your right knee underneath your body to try and touch the opposite elbow. Keep your hips down and foot off the floor throughout. Repeat with your other leg. That’s one rep

Sets: 3-4

Reps: 10-15

Rest: 30 seconds

Crank it up for weeks three and four: Increase sets to 5-6, decrease rest to 0-15 seconds and perform an additional push-up every fifth rep.

3. Prone Knee to Outside Same Elbow

Why: See above.

How: In a push-up position, lift your right knee up towards your right elbow – trying to land it on the top of the elbow. Keep your hips down and foot off the floor throughout. Repeat with your other leg. That’s one rep.

Sets: 3-4

Reps: 10-15

Rest: 30 seconds

Crank it up for weeks three and four: Increase sets to 5-6, decrease rest to 0-15 seconds and perform an additional push-up every fifth rep.

4. Press-ups

Why: “These continue the static work on your midsection while working the pecs, deltoids and triceps, too.”RELATED STORY4 Quick Tricks To Bench More On Chest Day

How: Do as many standard push-ups as you can. If you’re seriously flagging, drop your knees to squeeze out some box push-ups for a set of 15.

Sets: 3-4

Reps: 15

Rest: 30 seconds

Crank it up for weeks three and four: More full push-ups. Less box push-ups.

5. Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls

Why:“These fire the posterior chain and make the hamstrings and glutes work hard.”RELATED STORYBuild a Six-pack at Home in Three Weeks

How: Lie on your back with a Swiss ball positioned underneath the heels of your straight legs. Keep your hips up off the floor, stabilise with your glutes and curl your heels to your bum. Return and repeat.

Sets: 3-4


Rest: 30 seconds

Crank it up for weeks three and four: Increase sets to 5-6, decrease rest to 0-15 seconds and return the ball to its starting position using only one leg.

6. Split Lunge/Overhead press

Why: “Again, your midsection is fired through stabilising the weight above your head and the use of multiple joints means a high metabolic output.”

How:Hold a dumbbell on each shoulder and set up a lunge position. Move your back knee to the floor in a forward lunge and as you reach the end of the movement press both dumbbells above your head.

Sets: 3-4

Reps: 10-15 seconds

Rest: 30 seconds

Crank it up for weeks three and four: Press the dumb-bells above your head before you begin the exercise. Then perform the lunge, keeping the weights above your head for the whole movement.

Uphill Treadmill – Walking

Once you’ve completed three circuits of the previous six exercises, get on the treadmill until your total session time hits 45 minutes.

Why:To burn additional fuel once your glycogen levels are depleted. Stopping at the 45-minute mark ensures you preserve the use of muscle tissue as fuel.

How: Set an incline for as hard a setting as you can manage and start walking. Do not run. “This workout has a lot of muscular stress around the lower limbs and the impact of running when these are fatigued is not good.”

Crank it up for weeks three and four: Walk faster on an even steeper incline. Do it even if you only have a few minutes left in your designated 45.This content is imported from YouTube. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.


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