Understanding the Importance of Mind, Body & Soul



We all want to be healthier versions of ourselves and improve our overall wellbeing. Most of the time, we tend to concentrate only on the body, focusing on our physical health. While this is important, it’s not the only component of wellbeing we should be improving.

To achieve lasting health, we need to understand the importance of the body, mind and soul and how they work together to build our overall wellbeing. A healthy body keeps you well and active. A healthy mind keeps you focused and engaged. A healthy soul keeps you fulfilled and content.

Focusing on these areas won’t only improve your own health and wellbeing. Employees and leaders who work on all three areas commonly display a number of desirable traits in the workplace:

  • Higher productivity
  • Reduced conflict
  • Decreased leave
  • Improved motivation
  • Increased engagement

Whether you’re a leader or employee, understanding the importance of mind, body and soul can give you an edge in your organisation while also improving your own health and wellbeing.

The Science of the Three Brains

The link between mind, body and soul is scientific fact. Research reveals we have three separate neural pathway networks, leading to the head, the gut and the heart. These have been dubbed the three brains, all capable of controlling how we feel and how we react.

It’s vital to nurture each ‘brain’ to ensure optimal wellbeing. We need to look after our mental health to maintain focus and clarity of the mind. It’s important to develop positive relationships and genuine connection to nourish our spiritual and emotional health. Not to mention the need to monitor what we put into our body and how we use it to ensure physical wellbeing.

It’s a delicate balance. If our physical health is sound but our mental or spiritual wellbeing is not, our physical health will eventually be impacted by the affects of reduced motivation, low morale, decreased satisfaction and lack of purpose. Likewise, poor physical health affects our personal satisfaction, contentment and mental state.

This is why it’s vital to understand the importance of mind, body and soul and identify ways to improve and maintain health and wellbeing in each area.


We all know what we should be doing to look after our bodies – eat less and move more. However, it’s much easier said than done. As a start, here are some suggestions for looking after your physical health and nurturing the gut ‘brain’.

  • Moderation is the key. Start by reducing the intake of unhealthy food, softdrink, caffeine and alcohol. Learn to read nutrition labels and find healthier options for snacks.
  • Commit to regular exercise. Find ways to include physical activity in your day such as walking up stairs, instead of taking the lift or joining in with lunch time sport.
  • Be proactive. Keep on top of your health by scheduling regular medical and dental checkups to monitor your health and wellbeing..
  • Concentrate on the basics. Focus on your sleep, nutrition, hydration and exercise. Set realistic goals, celebrate the small wins and keep going!


Stress is everywhere and with life becoming more demanding, it’s vital we pay attention to our mental state. Focusing on nourishing the mind and our mental health can improve our focus, relationships, outlook and more.

  • Don’t ignore the signs of stress and overwhelm. If you are not coping with the pressures of life, talk to someone and seek professional help if required.
  • Take time out. Schedule time each day, just for you. Listen to music, read an article, go for a walk, meditate or enjoy a coffee, away from the stresses of life.
  • Prioritise sleep. Sleep recharges our mind, helps us stay focused and think clearly. Set a time for bed and stick to it to ensure you get the rest your mind needs.
  • Be open to self-improvement. Attend a workshop, try online learning, find a mentor or seek specific advice to improve your skills and increase your confidence.


Spiritual health is more than religion or new age beliefs. It involves identifying our purpose and direction, recognising what brings us joy and understanding how to find contentment in our lives. Here are some suggestions to improve the health and wellbeing of your soul.

  • Be open to meeting new people. Connecting with others opens our minds to new ideas and introduces us to alternate ways of living, re-energising the soul.
  • Change your environment. Take a walk outside, have a meeting at a cafe or ask to work from home. Changing up your routine can help increase satisfaction and motivation.
  • Indulge in your passions. Make time in your life for music, art, hiking, baking, cycling, running – whatever feeds your soul and makes you happy.
  • Be kind to yourself. Give yourself permission to take time out and not be productive every second of the day. Live in the moment and give your soul a chance to breathe.
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